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ASTM C860 Standards for Cement Tests

The Standard Test Method for Determining the Consistency of Refractory Castable Using the Ball-In-Hand Test, also known as ASTM C860, provides guidelines for evaluating the consistency of refractory castable materials. This test is crucial for assessing the workability and handling properties of these materials, which are widely used in high-temperature applications.

ASTM C860 involves forming a sample of refractory castable material into a ball by hand and assessing its ability to maintain its shape and resist deformation. The test helps determine the optimal water content required for proper placement and installation of the castable material.

Products associated with ASTM C860 include refractory castable materials, a specified molding apparatus for forming the castable into a ball, and qualitative assessment tools to evaluate the consistency and workability of the sample.

By following the ASTM C860 standard and using associated products, manufacturers, suppliers, and testing laboratories can ensure the appropriate selection and application of refractory castable materials, leading to improved performance and durability in high-temperature environments.
