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Soil Testing

Certified MTP provides top-of-the-line soil testing equipment and soil test kit. Soil testing encompasses a slew of analyses, ranging from the composition of soil sampling to its soil ph fertility. At Certified MTP, we understand that accuracy is crucial in data measurement and analysis. That's why we take pride in providing the best soil testing tools for farmers and surveyors alike.

We have a wide range of soil testing equipment and soil test kit for sale, including hand augers, soil penetrometers and soil thermometers, as well as pH meters and strength test systems. So whether you're going out on a research project or checking your field to predict next year's yield, you can rely on Certified MTP's test equipment.

Soil Sample Testing Equipment for All Purposes

Certified MTP is the go-to provider of soil sample testing equipment, including testing of acidic soil, and regardless of location on the soil surface. We offer top-notch soil testing lab equipment and soil testing tools for outdoor work. Time after time, our test equipment delivers reliable, repeatable results. We source all our products from leading suppliers, so you know you're getting the best soil testing equipment for your needs.

Agricultural Test Tools for Soils

Soil testing is an integral part of agriculture, and Certified MTP offers the standard soil test tools that get the job done. Your productivity depends on the quality of your farmland, and you need timely, precise results to ensure your fields are in top condition. With our soil test equipment, you can get the information you depend on. Whether you're testing for mineral soils content, pH levels or more, we have the soil testing equipment you require.

Soil Test Equipment for Civil Engineering

Good soil quality is essential for many projects, including roads, embankments, foundations and other structures. Soil test equipment from Certified MTP lets you check characteristics, like moisture, shear strength and temperature, that are critical to the strength and stability of your projects. When you use our soil test tools, you know you'll get the fast, accurate results you need. Soil testing equipment from Certified MTP gives you the confidence you expect from an industry-leading equipment supplier. 

Soil Testing Equipment From Professionals, for Professionals

We constantly seek the best, most reliable soil testing equipment from brands that are trusted worldwide. At Certified MTP, we understand the critical nature of the soil tests you perform and deliver soil test tools that stand up to the task. Our soil test equipment is as precise as it is durable. Whether you need field-ready products or soil testing lab equipment, we have the tools you want.

Soil Test Tools Backed by Superior Service

Certified MTP offers more than great soil sample test tools. We also provide an unparalleled level of expertise and customer service. Our experienced staff will work with you to ensure you get the best soil testing equipment for your job. We understand your concerns and partner with you to find the products that meet your requirements. Whether you're running one test or dozens, you can rely on Certified MTP to provide guidance you can trust. Just like our soil test equipment and soil test kits, our customer service is second-to-none.

Order Soil Testing Equipment From Certified MTP

Farmers and surveyors alike know they can trust soil sample testing equipment from Certified MTP. We stand by all the soil test tools we offer. With our products, you get performance, service and value all rolled into one. Start shopping today for the soil test equipment you need.

Choose from our selection of soil testing equipment from our categories below. We understand the importance of measuring wet soil quality, and we’re dedicated to providing the right tools to do the job for your specific soil testing applications. Buy soil testing equipment with confidence from Certified Material Testing Products.

Soil testing is a crucial part of determining soil sample value in agricultural and chemical applications. Our soil testing equipment is essential for determining chemical and nutrient composition, grain size, and compaction - among other data. Our reliable, accurate, lab-quality test kit and wet soil testing equipment truly are state-of-the-art.

Overview of Soil Testing

Soil testing is an essential process for anyone looking to optimize plant growth, be it in a garden, lawn, or for specific crops. This methodical process to collect samples of soils and analyzing them to determine pH levels, nutrient availability, and other critical soil properties. The results can guide lime and fertilizer recommendations, helping to enhance the health of plants, lawns, and gardens.

Understanding Soil Sample Testing

At the core of soil testing is the soil sample. A representative soil sample is crucial as it reflects the overall health and condition of the soil where plants will grow. Collect samples of soils typically using a clean trowel, digging several inches deep into the soil. For a vegetable garden or crop land, samples are often taken at a depth of 6 to 8 inches, targeting the root zone of most plants. After you collect samples in a sample bag or a plain plastic bag, the samples are mixed in a clean plastic bucket to create a composite sample that is then sent to a laboratory for analysis and then returned in the same plastic bucket or plastic bag.

A soil test kit available for purchase allow gardeners to conduct their own basic testing. However, for comprehensive insights, especially when managing larger areas or specific crops like fruit trees or vegetable gardens, sending samples to a professional lab is recommended. The lab can provide a detailed analysis, including soil pH, nutrient levels (such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur), and organic content.

Importance of Soil pH and Nutrient Levels

Soil pH is a critical factor in plant growth as it influences nutrient availability. Most plants thrive in slightly acidic to neutral soil (pH 6.0 to 7.0), but there are exceptions for soil acidity, such as blueberries and mountain laurels, which prefer more acidic conditions. Acidic soil can be amended with lime to raise the pH, while sulfur may be used to increase soil acidity for plants that prefer more acidic soil conditions.

Nutrient levels in the soil directly affect plant health. A standard acidic soil sample test will measure available nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other micronutrients like iron, manganese, copper, and zinc. These soil ph tests help identify excess nutrients or deficiencies that could limit plant growth. For instance, too much nitrogen can promote leaf growth at the expense of flowers and fruit, while insufficient potassium can reduce crop yields.

Lime and Fertilizer Recommendations

Based on the test soil sample results, lime and fertilizer recommendations are made to correct pH imbalances and nutrient deficiencies. Lime is commonly applied to acidic soils to increase the pH, improving the availability of nutrients like phosphorus and calcium. Fertilizer recommendations are tailored to provide the necessary nutrients identified as deficient in the soil test and soil acidity, ensuring that plants have the essential elements for growth.

Collect Samples

Taking a test soil sample correctly is vital for accurate results. The process involves collecting small subsamples from several locations within the area of interest. These subsamples are then combined to form a composite sample that is representative of the area. It's important to use clean tools and containers to prevent contamination of the soil sample, which could skew results.

A soil sample should be done periodically, as soil conditions change over time due to factors like crop removal, leaching, and the application of fertilizers and amendments. The best time to collect samples is in the fall or early spring before applying any lime or fertilizer for the growing season.

Interpreting Soil Sample Results

Once the laboratory has analyzed the test soil sample, the soil test results provide a snapshot of the soil's health. These results include soil pH, levels of available nutrients, and sometimes specific recommendations for amendments. Understanding these results is crucial for making informed decisions about how to manage soil fertility effectively.

For instance, if the soil test indicates low phosphorus levels, a gardener might add bone meal or rock phosphate to increase phosphorus availability. If the soil is too acidic for the desired crops, applying lime according to the test recommendations can raise the pH to a more suitable level.

Practical Applications

The practical applications of soil testing are vast. For vegetable gardens, understanding the soil's pH and nutrient levels can lead to a more bountiful harvest by ensuring that vegetables have the optimal conditions for growth. In lawns, soil tests can guide the application of fertilizers and amendments to promote lush, healthy grass. For crops, soil testing helps farmers apply the correct amount of fertilizer, avoiding the expense and environmental impact of over-application.

Soil testing also plays a crucial role in environmental conservation. By applying only the needed amount of fertilizer and amendments, gardeners and farmers can minimize runoff into waterways, reducing the risk of eutrophication and protecting groundwater quality.


Soil testing is a cost-effective, simple process that can significantly impact the health and productivity of plants, lawns, and crops. By providing essential information about soil pH, nutrient levels, and organic matter, soil tests help gardeners, farmers, and landscapers make informed decisions about lime and fertilizer applications. Regular soil testing, following proper sampling techniques, and interpreting test results accurately can lead to more successful gardening and farming outcomes, promoting sustainable practices that benefit.

Soil Testing at Construction Sites and Agriculture

Soil testing is a critical component in both construction sites, serving as a foundation for informed decision-making and ensuring the stability, safety, and productivity of projects and crops, respectively. This analysis involves collecting samples and evaluating them for various characteristics, including soil type, texture, moisture, exchangeable acidity, and nutrient content. The approach requires meticulous attention to detail, from the collection of a sample to the interpretation of results by a soil testing lab. The insights gained from soil testing can significantly influence construction planning, plant selection, and fertilization strategies.

Soil Testing in Construction Sites

In the context of construction, soil testing with a soil test kit is pivotal for assessing the suitability of a site for building. Testing lab analyses focus on soil stability, bearing capacity, and the presence of soluble salts that might corrode building. Key factors such as texture, moisture content, and the presence of organic matter are assessed to determine the foundation requirements and to identify potential issues like subsidence or swelling that could affect the structure over time.

Taking samples of soil at construction sites typically involves drilling to various depths to collect samples that accurately reflect the soil conditions across the site. These samples are then placed in sample bags or plastic buckets, ensuring they are not contaminated or altered before reaching the testing lab. The results from these tests guide architects and engineers in designing foundations that are capable of supporting the planned structures, selecting appropriate forms of construction, and implementing necessary ground modification techniques.

The cation exchange capacity, exchangeable acidity, and the presence of minerals like calcium, magnesium, and sodium are among the soil characteristics evaluated. These elements can significantly affect the soil’s ability to hold and supply nutrients to plant life, impact the pH, and influence the corrosion of construction materials. Standard soil tests might also assess the potential for artificial heat generation in large piles, a factor critical for site safety.

Soil Testing in Agriculture

Agricultural soil testing, on the other hand, is predominantly concerned with optimizing crop growth and yield. It involves assessing soil fertility by measuring nutrient levels, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and micronutrients like zinc and manganese. The soil's pH level is a focal point, as it affects the availability of nutrients to plants. Acidic soil may require the application of lime to raise the pH, whereas more acidic soil conditions might be preferred for specific crops like mountain laurels.

Taking soil for agricultural purposes is a process that typically occurs before the growing season. Farmers collect samples from the top 6 to 8 inches deep of soil— the best time for active root zone of most crops—using a clean tool to avoid contamination during growing season. These 8 inch samples are then mixed together in a clean container to create a composite sample that represents the entire area to be planted.

The analysis provided by the soil testing lab offers valuable information on soil texture, organic content, and the presence of potentially harmful elements such as heavy metals. Based on the test results, farmers can make informed decisions on the type and quantity of fertilizer needed to meet the nutritional requirements of their crops. The results help in avoiding the overuse of fertilizers, reducing the risk of runoff contaminating local waterways, and ensuring a cost-effective approach to soil management.

Fertilization plans based on soil test results are tailored to the specific needs of the crop, taking into account factors like the existing soil fertility, the crop's nutrient requirements, and the goals for yield and quality. For gardens and ornamental landscapes, soil testing helps in selecting plants that will thrive in the existing soil conditions and in adjusting the soil composition to support a wider variety of plants.

The Process of Soil Testing and Soil Sampling

The process of soil testing, whether for construction or agriculture, follows a systematic approach. After collecting and preparing the samples, individuals submit them to a laboratory, where they are analyzed using a range of techniques to evaluate their chemical and physical properties. The soil test kit might include all necessary materials and instructions for collecting and submitting samples. A tes kit enables the testing for specific nutrients, pH levels, and other factors that influence plant growth and soil stability.

Upon receiving the results, it's crucial to interpret them correctly—often with the help of agronomists or engineers—to make informed decisions. For agriculture, this might involve adjusting pH levels, applying necessary nutrients, and planning crop rotation to maintain soil health. In construction, it involves making foundational design adjustments, selecting suitable building materials, and employing ground improvement techniques as needed.


Soil testing plays a vital role in construction, guiding professionals in making decisions that ensure the structural integrity of buildings and the health and productivity of crops. By providing a detailed understanding of soil conditions, testing enables the customization of strategies to meet specific needs, whether to support a high-rise building or to optimize the yield of a vegetable garden. Through careful sample collection, analysis, and interpretation of test results, soil testing continues to be an indispensable tool in managing the earth's resources efficiently and sustainably. This is why having the right soil test kit is so important for any construction and DIY job. Each soil test kit includes all the items needed.

Soil Testing in the Lab

Soil testing in a laboratory setting is an intricate process that provides vital information for agricultural practices, gardening, and environmental management. The process begins when individuals or professionals collect soil samples from the field and submit them to a soil testing lab for analysis. This overview delves into the methodology of soil testing in a lab, emphasizing the significance of each step and the role of specific parameters in the overall soil health and fertility assessment.

Collecting Samples

The first step in soil testing is the collection of soil samples. This is typically done using a clean trowel to dig holes approximately 6 to 8 inches deep, which is the standard depth to gauge soil conditions affecting plant roots. The soil sample should represent the area intended for planting, whether it’s a garden, lawn, or agricultural field. To ensure a representative sample, small amounts of soil are collected from various spots within the area, mixed in a clean plastic bucket, and then placed in a sample bag. It’s crucial to avoid contamination with organic matter, such as leaves or manure, which could skew the test results. The use of a plastic bag for transporting the sample to the laboratory is common, though care must be taken to avoid altering the soil moisture content significantly.

Submitting Samples

Once collected, the soil samples are submitted to a soil testing lab. The submission usually requires completing appropriate forms that provide information about the sample, such as the type of plants or crops grown, specific concerns, and any treatments applied previously. A small fee is typically associated with the testing service, covering the cost of the analysis and the generation of a report. The samples can be submitted directly to the lab or mailed, following the instructions provided by the laboratory.

Laboratory Analysis

Upon receiving the soil samples, the soil testing lab begins its analysis. The standard soil test involves several key measurements:

Soil pH:  This test determines the acidity or alkalinity of the soil, which significantly influences nutrient availability to plants. Most plants thrive in slightly acidic to neutral soil (pH 6.0 to 7.0), although some, like the mountain laurel, prefer more acidic soils, so the lab technician must increase soil acidity.

Nutrient Levels: Laboratories measure the levels of major nutrients, including nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), as well as secondary nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and sulfur, and micronutrients such as zinc, copper, and manganese. These tests are crucial for understanding what fertilizers are needed to provide more nutrients for optimal plant growth.

Organic Matter: This parameter gives an idea of the soil's fertility and its capacity to retain moisture and nutrients. High organic matter content is generally beneficial for soil health.

Soil Texture and Structure: Knowing the soil's texture (the proportion of sand, silt, and clay) and structure can help determine its drainage capacity, aeration, and ability to retain nutrients.

Exchangeable Acidity and Base Saturation: These measurements indicate the soil’s potential to neutralize acidity and its overall nutrient balance, affecting lime and fertilizer recommendations.

Interpreting the Results

The soil testing lab provides a report with the analysis results, often including recommendations for amendments like lime to adjust pH or specific fertilizers to address nutrient deficiencies. Understanding these results is crucial for making informed decisions about soil management. For instance, if the soil test indicates high acidity (low pH), applying lime can help neutralize the acidity. If the soil is deficient in a particular nutrient, such as potassium, a targeted fertilizer can replenish this nutrient in the soil.

Recommendations and Adjustments

Based on the soil test results, the lab will also make recommendations for improving soil health and fertility. This might include specific types and quantities of fertilizers to apply, suggestions for organic amendments like compost or manure to increase organic matter content, and strategies for adjusting soil pH. These recommendations are tailored to the specific needs of the area of soil tested, taking into account the type of plants or crops being grown and the existing soil conditions.

Importance of Soil Testing

Soil testing is an invaluable tool for anyone involved in planting, whether it's maintaining a lush, green lawn, ensuring the health and beauty of ornamental plants and shrubs, or optimizing the yield and quality of crops in a garden or farm. It provides a snapshot of the soil’s current condition, enabling targeted interventions that can significantly improve plant health and growth. Moreover, by applying only the nutrients needed, soil testing helps avoid the overuse of fertilizers, reducing the risk of contaminating local waterways and contributing to environmental sustainability.


Soil testing in a lab setting is a detailed and systematic process that plays a crucial role in agriculture and horticulture. By taking soil samples, submitting them to a soil testing lab, and interpreting the results, individuals can make informed decisions about how to manage their soil effectively. Whether it’s adjusting the soil pH, adding necessary nutrients, or increasing organic matter content, the recommendations provided by soil tests help ensure that plants have the optimal conditions for vigorous growth

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More on Soil Testing

Soil testing in a laboratory setting is a critical process for a wide range of professions, from agronomists and landscapers to home gardeners and environmental scientists. Understanding the composition and health of soil through detailed analysis can significantly influence decisions regarding plant selection, fertilizer application, and overall landscape management. This comprehensive overview explores the intricacies of soil testing, emphasizing its importance and the methodology employed in professional settings.

The Importance of Soil Testing

Soil testing is an indispensable tool for diagnosing the health of soil. It provides essential information about the soil's pH level, mineral content, and potential contaminants, which are critical factors for successful plant growth and crop production. By analyzing and taking soil samples, professionals can tailor their cultivation practices to meet the specific needs of the plants they wish to grow, enhancing both the yield and quality of the produce.

Collecting Samples

The process begins with the collection of samples of soil. This involves removing small amounts of soil from several locations within the area to be tested. The depth at which these samples are taken can vary but is generally about six to eight inches deep for gardens and lawns, targeting the root zone of most plants. These samples are then placed in a sample bag or plastic bucket, carefully avoiding contamination with foreign substances that could skew test results.

Soil Test Kits

Soil test kits available for laboratory use are designed to analyze various soil properties. These kits can measure soil pH, indicating whether the soil is acidic or alkaline, and assess levels of key nutrients like calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, and potassium. The presence of trace elements such as iron, copper, and nitrates can also be detected, providing a comprehensive overview of the soil's fertility.

Analyzing the Samples

Once collected, taking soil samples to a laboratory where they undergo a standard soil test. The analysis typically involves determining the soil's pH, its nutrient content, and its texture, which indicates the proportions of sand, silt, and clay. The results of these tests can help identify deficiencies or excesses in minerals, guiding the appropriate application of fertilizers or soil amendments like lime or gypsum to adjust pH levels.

Interpreting Test Results

Interpreting soil test results is a skilled task that requires an understanding of agronomic principles and plant science. Laboratories usually provide a report that includes recommendations based on the test results. For instance, if the soil is found to be too acidic for the intended crop, the report might recommend the application of lime to increase soil pH. Similarly, specific fertilizer recommendations are made to address any nutrient deficiencies identified through the testing process.

Practical Applications

The practical applications of soil testing are vast. In agriculture, it guides farmers on the precise quantities of fertilizer needed, thereby preventing the overuse of chemical fertilizers and minimizing environmental impact. For landscapers and gardeners, soil testing informs the selection of plants that will thrive in the existing soil conditions and suggests modifications needed to grow a wider variety of plants. Even for lawn care, understanding the soil's condition can lead to healthier, more resilient grass.

Challenges and Considerations on Soil Sample

Despite its benefits, soil sample testing does present challenges. The accuracy of the test results heavily depends on the sample collection method and the cleanliness of the containers used. Contaminated or improperly collected samples can lead to misleading results. Additionally, the variability of soil conditions across a single area can make it difficult to obtain a truly representative sample.

Conclusion of Soil Sample

Soil testing in a laboratory setting is a valuable practice that provides critical insights into the soil's health and fertility. By enabling precise adjustments to soil conditions, it lays the groundwork for successful planting and cultivation, whether in agriculture, landscaping, or home gardening. As environmental considerations become increasingly important, the role of soil testing in promoting sustainable practices is likely to grow, underscoring its importance across various professions. Through careful collection and analysis of soil samples, professionals can ensure the long-term health of the soil, supporting the growth of healthy plants and contributing to the overall ecosystem's balance.

