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Concrete Compressive Strength Testing Machine

Equipment Used to Test Compressive Strength of Concrete: A Guide on Concrete Compressive Strength Testing Machine

What is Compressive Strength

Definition and Why Compressive Strength is Important

Compressive strength is a basic property of concrete that measures how much load concrete can withstand without failing. It’s a key factor in determining the structural and durability of concrete structures. Compression strength is measured in units of pressure like psi or MPa. Understanding compressive strength is important so concrete structures can withstand the loads and stresses applied to them.

In the construction world, compressive strength of concrete is a key indicator of its quality and performance. It helps engineers and concrete contractors to check if the concrete mix used in a project meets the specifications. By concrete testing compressive strength, professionals can ensure the concrete structure is safe, durable and can withstand the intended loads.

Factors that Affect Compression Strength

Here are some of the factors that affect compressive strength:

  • Mix Design: The proportion of cement, coarse aggregate and water in the mix can greatly affect compressive strength. A well designed concrete mix ensures maximum strength and durability.

  • Curing Conditions: Temperature, humidity and curing time can affect compressive strength. Proper curing conditions is necessary to achieve the desired strength of concrete.

  • Age of Concrete: Compression strength increases as concrete ages. Strength of concrete is tested at specific intervals like 7, 14 and 28 days. It is important to perform cylinder break tests on day 28 of the concrete’s lifecycle as part of quality needs.

  • Aggregate Type and Size: Type and size of aggregate used in the mix can affect compressive strength. Different aggregates have different properties that affect the overall strength of concrete.

  • Admixtures: Chemical admixtures can be added to increase compressive strength. These additives can improve workability, accelerate curing and increase overall strength of concrete.

By knowing these factors, concrete contractors can optimize the mix and curing process to achieve the desired compressive strength.

Concrete Compression Testing Machine | Compression Strength Tests

Concrete Compression Strength and Concrete Compression Machines

Check out our top of the line traditional concrete compression testing machines for all specimens, sizes and needs. Various testing methods, such as the Rebound Hammer and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity, are used to assess concretes strength by correlating rebound distances or pulse velocities to the concrete's strength. It is important to do cylinder break tests on day 28 of the concrete’s life cycle to ensure quality and verify the strength of in-situ slabs. We have everything you need for concrete testing from 250K Concrete Compression Testing Machines to 500K options. Plus we have extensometers and compressometers and everything else you need to test concrete.

With fresh concrete cylinder molds to get you started and machines to do the concrete testing you have everything you need to test safely. We have concrete test cylinders in many sizes 4x8 concrete test cylinders and more, so lets look at the different ways that specific concrete is tested with properties of concrete of machines.

Concrete Compression Testing Concrete

Compression testing machines are a must have in the construction industry to mechanical concrete testing the flexural strength of concrete. These concrete testing machines measure the compression strength of hardened cylindrical concrete specimens to determine if the concrete used in the project meets the minimum required flexural strength of concrete and applied load rate.

First you need concrete cylinder molds to shape and hold fresh concrete specimens during the casting process. These create cylindrical samples and traditional concrete curing. Our entire line of concrete cylinder molds are made from top quality steel and has unlimited shelf life, while plastic concrete cylinder molds are for disposable use. Each set comes with multiple molds per case, the most popular options are 36, 50 or 80 per case.

Then you add the hardened concrete specimens from the concrete cylinder molds to a compression test machine to get the concrete psi.

Compression testing machines work by applying a compressive force to hardened concrete until the concrete fails with the desired concrete compressive strength ranges (tensile strength of concrete with tensile forces). The failure point is the compressive strength of the concrete.

Compressive Stress Testing Machines for Compression Test Methods

These come in different sizes and capacities depending on the number of 3 specimens being tested and the amount of force required (tensile strength of concrete with tensile forces). You will find them in laboratories and in the field on construction sites. They are usually made of Teflon load frame and steel load frame with a latchable steel guard door.

There are two types of concrete compression testing machines: hydraulic and manual. Hydraulic machines are more common in construction projects because they give more accurate results and require less effort to operate. They use hydraulic pressure to apply the required force to crush the concrete specimen.

Manual machines require the operator to turn a hand crank to apply the force. Therefore they are less accurate and more labor intensive.

All our concrete compression testing machines can be fully equipped with high-accuracy and easy to use Pro or Pro-Plus digital controllers. Both meet industry standards for accuracy so it’s easier than ever to produce great concrete. All our concrete compression test machines meet or exceed ASTM C39ACI 368 and international standards and EN 12390 for rigidity in th compression concrete testing methods and all other methods.

The Pro Controllers display and the Pro Plus Controllers with Pro Plus features show live load and rate of final load during compression test by the compression test machine and each are accurate to ±0.5%. Peak load and average load rate are displayed at the end of the test and up to 600 tests can be stored in memory for you to download to a PC or printer.

Not only results are stored automatically but Pro-Plus also does live X-Y plotting of load vs time. There are also options to send data to a printer for custom printing, plotting, data interpretation and reporting.

Automatic compression test machine is a new addition to compression strength tests (tensile strength of concrete) and many other tests of concrete of various ages. These automatic controllers do complete test cycles on strength concrete specimens with minimal operator input, making them an efficient testing method.

Why Concrete Compression Testing with Compression Machines?

Concrete compression testing products are crucial for construction projects. If the concrete used in your next project is not strong enough the structure can fail and cause property damage, injuries or even loss of life.

Testing concrete with compression machines during the construction process helps to identify these problems early and take corrective action before the project is completed.

Concrete Compression Testing Machines

Concrete Compression Testing Machines are specialized equipment to evaluate the compressive strength of concrete (tensile strength of concrete) which is measured in pounds per square inch (psi). These machines apply controlled increasing force to a concrete sample until it breaks and determine its maximum strength. The concrete testing process involves several parts and concepts:

Using combined method for measuring concrete strength improves quality assurance. It gives a more complete understanding of concrete slabs, more accurate and accounts for various factors like cement type and curing conditions.

Concrete Higher PSI Tester: This is the main feature of the machine to measure the pressure or force applied to the concrete sample in psi or higher psi. It gives an exact reading of the concrete compressive strength.

Device to Test Concrete Strength: The whole setup of the compression testing machine is a device to test concrete strength. It usually consists of a hydraulic press and a load bearing platform where the concrete specimen is placed.

Calibration of Cube Testing Machine: Calibration is necessary. Cube testing machines which test concrete cubes must be calibrated regularly to be precise. This means adjusting the machine to a standard set of measurements or using known weights to verify accuracy.

Compression Test on UTM Machine: UTM or Universal Testing Machine is a multi-purpose device that can do compression test among other types of mechanical tests. When used for concrete it applies compressive load to the material to measure its strength and deformation characteristics.

Compressive Test Fixture: This is the part of the machine that holds the concrete sample during testing. It ensures uniform application of force and accurate measurement of the sample’s dimensions and integrity.

Universal Testing Machine: This is a general term for testing machines that includes compression concrete testing. UTMs are known for their ability to do various types of material strength tests including tension, compression and bending tests.

Load Cells: These are the most critical part of a compression testing machine. Load cells measure the force applied to the concrete sample to determine the concrete strength. Their accuracy is key to accurate test results.

Load Cell: Singular form of load cells, it refers to the individual sensor used in the testing machine to measure force.

Proving Ring: This is used in calibration. A proving ring is a steel ring with known force-deformation characteristics. It is used to calibrate testing machines by correlating the force applied with the deformation observed.

Calibration: This means the testing machine gives accurate readings. Calibration means checking and adjusting the equipment with standard measures or known loads to ensure the results are accurate and reliable.

In short, Concrete Compression Testing Machines are used to check the structural integrity and load bearing capacity of concrete, it’s a big part of construction and safety. Regular calibration and maintenance of these machines is necessary to be accurate and reliable.

At Certified MTP, we have the best concrete test products and best concrete compression machines. We know how important concrete cylinder molds and compression testing machines are in testing the concrete structures’ safety and durability.

Concrete Compression Testing Machine Overview

Concrete compression testing machines is a big part of the construction industry to ensure the quality and durability of concrete used in various structures. This overview will discuss the importance, procedure and applications of these machines with focus on specific keywords related to compression strength tests.

Importance of Compressive Strength Testing

Compressive strength is a fundamental property of concrete that measures its ability to resist loads that tend to reduce size. It is a key indicator of the concrete’s quality and its ability to withstand tensile stress. Compressive strength of concrete is determined through standard test methods which involves subjecting curing concrete test concrete specimens usually cylindrical to loads until failure.

Concrete Compression Testing Machine

A concrete compression testing machine is an equipment that applies compressive force to concrete specimens. This force is applied gradually until the specimen fails and the maximum load is recorded. The maximum load is then used to calculate the compressive strength of the concrete.


  1. Loading Frame: The part that holds the test specimen and applies the compressive force.

  2. Loading Plates: Plates that spread the load evenly to the surface of the specimen.

  3. Hydraulic System: The force that compresses the specimen.

  4. Control System: Controls the loading rate and records the test data.

Testing Procedure

Preparing Test Specimens

Concrete specimens, usually concrete cylinders or cubes, are prepared and cured according to standard. The curing process ensures that the specimens achieve the required strength. Field cured specimens and lab cured specimens can be used depending on the specific requirements of the test. Combined methods, such as rebound hammer testing with ultrasonic pulse velocity testing, can be used to get more accurate concrete strength by enhancing quality control and improving result accuracy.

Standard Test Method

The standard test method for compression strength of concrete is as follows:

  1. Specimen Preparation: Concrete is poured into molds to create the test specimens. Molds are then removed after a certain period and the specimens are cured.

  2. Surface Preparation: The top surface of the specimens is prepared to be smooth and level.

  3. Placing the Specimen: The specimen is placed in the compression testing machine, centered between the loading plates.

  4. Applying Load: Load is applied gradually at a certain rate until the specimen fails. Loading rate is critical for accurate results and is controlled by the machine’s hydraulic system.

  5. Data Recording: Maximum load is recorded and compression strength is calculated.

Test Preparation and Specimen Requirements

Test preparation and specimen requirements are crucial steps in ensuring accurate and reliable compression strength test results. To achieve this, it is essential to follow these guidelines:

  • Consistency with Concrete Mix: Test specimens should be made from the same concrete mix as the structure being tested. This ensures that the test results are representative of the actual performance of the concrete in the structure.

  • Curing Conditions: Specimens should be cured under the same conditions as the concrete in the structure. This includes maintaining consistent temperature and humidity levels to ensure that the specimens develop strength in the same way as the in situ concrete.

  • Correct Size and Shape: Test specimens should be of the correct size and shape, as specified by industry standards. They should be free from defects and irregularities that could affect the test results.

  • ASTM and AASHTO Guidelines: Follow the procedures outlined in ASTM and AASHTO guidelines for preparing and testing concrete specimens. These guidelines provide standardized methods to ensure that the test results are accurate and reliable.

  • Proper Labeling and Storage: Specimens should be properly labeled to prevent mix-ups and stored in a way that prevents damage or contamination. This helps maintain the integrity of the specimens until they are tested.

  • Regular Calibration of Equipment: The testing equipment should be calibrated regularly to ensure accuracy and reliability. Calibration involves adjusting the equipment to a standard set of measurements or using known weights to verify its accuracy.

By adhering to these guidelines, concrete contractors and testing laboratories can ensure that the compression strength test results are accurate and representative of the concrete’s actual performance.


  1. Specimen Size and Shape: Size and shape of test concrete specimens, such as length to diameter ratio of concrete cylinders, can affect the test results.

  2. Curing Conditions: Curing conditions, temperature and moisture, of the concrete.

  3. Loading Rate: Loading rate must be controlled.

  4. Surface Preparation: Top surface of the specimen must be smooth and level.

  5. Concrete Mix: Concrete mix, type and proportion of coarse aggregate, affects the compression strength.

Applications and Why

Concrete compression testing machines are used in construction, aerospace, automotive and civil engineering industries. They provide valuable information on the material’s behavior under compressive loads which is crucial for structure safety and durability.

Quality Control and Compliance

In construction industry these machines are used for quality control. They ensure that the concrete mix used in the construction project meets the required strength. Acceptance testing involves testing concrete specimens to verify compliance to project specifications and standards such as ACI and ISO.


In R&D, concrete compression testing machines are used to test new concrete formulations and other building materials. By knowing how different materials behave under compressive loads, improvements can be made to their performance and durability.

Strength Testing Methods

Compressive Strength Test

The compression strength test is the most common method to test the concrete. It involves applying increasing compressive loads to concrete cylindrical or cubic specimens until they fail. Compressive strength is calculated from the maximum load and cross-sectional area of the specimen.

To get a full picture of the concrete strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity method is often used together with other methods, such as rebound hammer test. This combination helps in giving a detailed information of the concrete quality despite the challenges in calibrating and operating the ultrasonic pulse velocity method compared to simpler methods.

Tensile Strength Test

Less common than compressive strength test, tensile strength test is also important. These tests measure the ability of the concrete to resist tensile stresses which are stresses that pull the material apart. Knowing both compressive and tensile strength gives the complete picture of the material.

Specimen Preparation

Proper specimen preparation is crucial to get accurate results. This includes correct concrete mix, proper curing and surface preparation of the specimen.

Environmental Conditions

Environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity can affect the curing process and therefore the compressive strength of the concrete. Laboratory controlled conditions minimizes these variables.

Loading Rate

Loading rate during the test must be controlled. Too fast or too slow loading rate can result to inaccurate results. Standard test methods specify the loading rates to ensure consistency and reliability.

Calculating Compressive Strength

Compressive strength is calculated by dividing the maximum load by the cross-sectional area of the specimen. For cylindrical specimens, the formula is:

[ \text{Compressive Strength} = \frac{\text{Maximum Load}}{\pi \times (\text{Diameter}/2)^2} ]

Result Interpretation

Interpreting the results involves comparing the measured compressive strength to the required strength. Variations in the results means there’s an issue with the concrete mix, curing process or testing procedure.

Common Issues and Solutions

Common issues in compressive strength testing are improper curing, incorrect loading rate and surface defects on the specimen. Solution is to follow standard procedure and proper preparation and handling of the specimen.

Accessories and Consumables

Compression testing machines need various accessories and consumables to get accurate results. These may include:

  • Upper Platens: To apply load to the test specimen, so even distribution of force.

  • Lower Platens: To support the test specimen during the testing.

  • Sulfur Caps: To cap the ends of concrete cylinders, so smooth and level surface for testing.

  • Unbonded Pads: To apply load to concrete cylinders, so uniform stress distribution.

  • Calibration Blocks: To calibrate the compression testing machine, so accurate and reliable results.

These accessories and consumables are needed to maintain the precision and accuracy of compression testing machines, so the test results are reliable and consistent.

Best Practices for Compressive Strength Testing

Best practices for compressive strength testing involve following established guidelines and procedures to ensure accurate and reliable results. The following best practices should be adhered to:

  • Use of Standardized Equipment: Utilize a compression testing machine that meets the requirements of ASTM and AASHTO standards. This ensures that the equipment is capable of providing accurate and reliable test results.

  • Proper Calibration and Maintenance: Ensure that the testing machine is properly calibrated and maintained. Regular calibration checks and maintenance are essential to maintain the accuracy and reliability of the equipment.

  • Suitable Testing Methods: Use a testing method that is suitable for the type of concrete being tested. Different types of concrete may require different testing methods to accurately determine their compressive strength.

  • Established Procedures: Follow established procedures for preparing and testing concrete specimens. This includes proper specimen preparation, curing, and surface preparation to ensure accurate test results.

  • Trained Personnel: Ensure that the testing process is performed by trained and experienced personnel. Proper training and experience are crucial for accurately conducting the tests and interpreting the results.

  • Combined Testing Methods: Use a combined method of testing, such as combining cylinder break tests with the ultrasonic pulse velocity method, to increase the accuracy and reliability of the results. This approach provides a more comprehensive understanding of the concrete’s strength.

  • Regular Quality Control Checks: Perform regular quality control checks to ensure that the testing process is accurate and reliable. This includes verifying the calibration of equipment and the consistency of testing procedures.

  • Accurate Record-Keeping: Keep accurate records of test results and testing procedures. This ensures that the results can be verified and repeated if necessary, providing a reliable basis for assessing the structural integrity of concrete structures.

By following these best practices, concrete contractors and testing laboratories can ensure that compressive strength testing is performed accurately and reliably. This provides valuable information for ensuring the structural integrity and durability of concrete structures, ultimately contributing to the safety and success of construction projects.

Field Testing Methods

Field testing methods are used to determine the compressive strength of concrete in situ. These methods include:

  • Rebound Hammer Test: A non-destructive test that uses a spring-loaded hammer to measure the rebound distance of a plunger. This test gives an estimate of the concrete’s compressive strength based on the surface hardness.

  • Penetration Resistance Test: A non-destructive test that uses a device to drive a small pin or probe into the surface of the concrete. The depth of penetration is used to estimate the compressive strength.

  • Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test: A non-destructive test that uses high-frequency sound waves to measure the velocity of a pulse through the concrete. This method checks the uniformity and quality of the concrete.

  • Pullout Test: A destructive test that uses a metal rod to pull the concrete. The force required to pull out the rod is used to estimate the compressive strength.

  • Cast-in-Place Cylinders: A destructive test that uses cylinder molds to test the compressive strength of concrete. Cylinders are cast and cured in situ, then tested in a compression testing machine.

  • Drilled Core: A destructive test that uses a core drill to extract hardened concrete from the slab. The core samples are then tested for compressive strength in the lab.

  • Wireless Maturity Sensors: A non-destructive test that uses wireless sensors to measure the temperature and calculate the compressive strength of the concrete. This method gives real-time data on the strength development of the concrete.

These field testing methods give valuable information on the compressive strength of in situ concrete, so the quality and durability of concrete structures during the construction process.

Compression testing machines are a must in the construction industry, gives vital information on the compressive strength of concrete. By following the standard testing methods and procedures, engineers and construction professionals can ensure the concrete used in their projects meet the requirements and standards. These machines not only for quality control but also for R&D, to improve construction materials and methods.
