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Cement and Concrete Mortar Penetrometers

Cement and Concrete Mortar Penetrometers

Cement and concrete mortar penetrometers are supplied complete and are essential tools for testing the consistency and hardening characteristics of cement and concrete mixes, according to AASHTO T197. These penetrometers are designed to measure the resistance and penetration of mortars sieved using a needle or sliding ring.

The penetrometer is supplied as a complete unit, including a carrying case for easy transportation and storage. It follows the guidelines and standards set by organizations such as AASHTO T197. The device consists of a graduated dial, a spring-loaded needle or sliding ring, and a mechanism to position and hold the test specimen during setting time.

To conduct the test, the mortars sieved are prepared and sieved to ensure uniformity. The test specimen is placed in the penetrometer, and the needle or sliding ring is gradually applied to the surface of the mortar and setting time. The resistance encountered during penetration resistance is measured by the dial or the displacement of the sliding ring. This measurement provides an indication of the consistency and hardening properties of the cement or concrete mixes.

The concrete mortar penetrometer penetrometer is particularly useful in field applications, as it allows for quick and easy testing in various areas. The device is provided with a carrying case, which ensures its protection and facilitates its transportation to different testing sites.

The concrete mortar penetrometer penetrometer is designed to operate within a specific range, typically indicated on the device. The rate of penetration resistance is shown on the graduated dial, allowing for accurate and consistent measurements. The concrete mortar penetrometer penetrometer is capable of measuring penetration depths ranging from 1 to 20 mm, depending on the specific model and application.

Overall, cement and concrete mortar penetrometers are supplied complete with all the essential tools in the construction and materials testing industries. They provide valuable information about the consistency and hardening characteristics of cement and concrete mixtures, allowing engineers and technicians to assess the quality and performance of these materials in various applications.

View full line of Standard Sand and Silica for ASTM Tests and Ottawa Test Sand for Cube Molds

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Certified MTP recommends different types and styles of penetrometers for density tests:

Soil Pocket Penetrometer

Soil Pocket Penetrometer, Chrome-Plated with Engraved Scale

AMS 59032 Pocket Penetrometer

Dial Geotester Pocket Penetrometer Kit

Acme Mortar Penetrometer, Bench-Top

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