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AASHTO R 64 Standards for Cement Tests

AASHTO R 64 is a standard developed by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) that pertains to the determination of the flexural strength of asphalt materials. This standard provides guidelines and procedures for conducting flexural tests on asphalt beams or prismatic specimens to assess their resistance to bending.

Products associated with AASHTO R 64 include flexural testing machines, commonly known as four-point bending machines or flexural beam testing machines. These machines are designed to apply a bending load to asphalt specimens in accordance with the standard. They provide precise control over the applied load and measure the resulting deflection, allowing for the determination of flexural strength.

Additionally, AASHTO R 64 specifies the requirements for the dimensions and preparation of the asphalt specimens, such as the beam size and surface preparation. Various accessories, such as supports and loading heads, may also be used in conjunction with the testing machine to ensure accurate and consistent testing procedures.

The standard serves as a vital tool in assessing the performance and durability of asphalt materials, particularly in highway and transportation infrastructure. By adhering to AASHTO R 64, engineers, researchers, and material producers can ensure consistent and reliable testing of asphalt's ability to resist bending forces, thereby contributing to the development of high-quality and long-lasting asphalt pavements.
