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Light liquid hydrometer

Price $7.98
Minimum Purchase:
12 units

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The United Scientific HYML01 is a top-of-the-line light liquid hydrometer designed to help professionals determine the specific gravity of liquids with ease and accuracy. This liquid hydrometer boasts two specific gravity ranges, making it perfect for a wide range of applications.

Made from high-quality materials, this liquid hydrometer is built to last and is the ideal solution for anyone in need of a reliable and efficient way to measure the specific gravity of a liquid. Each unit comes housed in a reusable storage tube, ensuring that it is kept safe from damage and easily transportable.

One of the key benefits of the United Scientific HYML01 is its high level of accuracy. With a precision measurement system that is second to none, this liquid hydrometer allows you to get a precise reading every time, making it perfect for use in scientific research, manufacturing, or quality control.

Despite its high level of accuracy, the United Scientific HYML01 is incredibly easy to use. Simply insert the hydrometer into the liquid you wish to measure and read the specific gravity reading. With its compact design and ease of use, this liquid hydrometer is perfect for use in any laboratory setting.

Finally, it is important to note that the United Scientific HYML01 comes with a warning for both cancer and reproductive harm. While this warning may be alarming, it is a standard requirement and should not deter you from using this high-quality liquid hydrometer.

Overall, the United Scientific HYML01 is an excellent choice for anyone in need of a reliable, accurate, and easy-to-use liquid hydrometer. Its high level of precision and quality construction make it the perfect solution for anyone looking to accurately measure the specific gravity of liquids.

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 United Scientific HYML01 Light liquid hydrometer

Light liquid hydrometer
