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Rubber Utility Tub - 26" Diameter

Price $97.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

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The Bon Tool 34-204 Rubber Utility Tub - 26" Diameter is an absolute necessity for anyone in construction, landscaping, or any other industry that requires heavy duty equipment. The tub itself resists heat, cold, and most chemicals, meaning it is able to stand up against even the harshest working environments. It measures at 26" to 21" diameter x 10" deep and has a capacity of 15 gallons, making it more than capable of handling a wide range of tasks.

Whether you're looking to transport tools, mix up concrete, or store materials, the Bon Tool 34-204 Rubber Utility Tub - 26" Diameter is the best choice for the job. Its durable construction ensures that it won't warp, crack, or break under even the toughest conditions, while its 15 gallon capacity means you'll be able to carry everything you need in one trip.

The tub's 26" diameter also makes it easy to maneuver, allowing you to easily transport it from one location to another. And thanks to its rubber material, it won't slip or slide around, providing you with peace of mind as you work.

Overall, the Bon Tool 34-204 Rubber Utility Tub - 26" Diameter is an excellent investment for anyone who needs a reliable and sturdy tub for their heavy-duty tasks. Whether you're a contractor, landscaper, or DIY enthusiast, this tub is sure to make your life easier and improve your overall efficiency on the job site.
 Bon Tool 34-204 Rubber Utility Tub - 26" Diameter

Rubber Utility Tub - 26" Diameter
