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Rubber Knee Pads

Price $47.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

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The Bon Tool 12-109 Rubber Knee Pads are the perfect accessory for any worker who spends a lot of time on their knees. Made from high-quality materials, these heavy-duty knee pads provide added comfort and protection to concrete finishers and floor installers.

Featuring adjustable Velcro straps, these knee pads can easily be adjusted to fit any leg size, ensuring a snug and comfortable fit for all-day wear. The thick sponge rubber provides excellent shock absorption, preventing any damage to the joints. These knee pads are sold in pairs, making it easy to outfit both legs with the same level of protection.

The Bon Tool 12-109 Rubber Knee Pads are built to last, and their durable construction makes them perfect for tough job sites. They are designed to withstand wear and tear over time, offering added durability and value for your investment. Whether you're working on a construction site or installing floors, these knee pads are essential for any job that requires kneeling or crawling.

Overall, the Bon Tool 12-109 Rubber Knee Pads are a must-have for any worker who needs to protect their knees while on the job. They offer excellent comfort and protection, making them a valuable accessory to any work environment. With their adjustable Velcro straps and thick sponge rubber, these knee pads are sure to provide the comfort and protection you need to get the job done right.
 Bon Tool 12-109 Rubber Knee Pads

Rubber Knee Pads
