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Deslauriers PVD4NS Retaining Cup Perpendicular Verification Device

Price $63.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

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See Product Information
The Deslauriers PVD4NS Retaining Cup Perpendicular Verification Device is a cutting-edge tool that revolutionizes the way perpendicularity is verified in standard unbonded retaining cups. This device offers a fast, easy, and accurate solution for ensuring that retaining cups are perfectly perpendicular.

Designed with precision and efficiency in mind, the Retaining Cup Perpendicular Verification Device eliminates the need for tedious manual measurements and guesswork. With this device, you can rest assured that your retaining cups are correctly aligned, saving you time and effort in the construction process.

The device comes equipped with a specialized Gap Measurement Tool, which serves as a reliable "go"/"no-go" check. This tool provides you with the peace of mind that your retaining cups meet the necessary standards, further enhancing the overall quality and structural integrity of your projects.

The Retaining Cup Perpendicular Verification Device is incredibly user-friendly, requiring minimal training to operate effectively. Its intuitive design allows for effortless usage, making it accessible to both seasoned professionals and enthusiastic DIYers.

With its robust construction, this device is built to withstand the rigors of various construction environments. Its durability ensures excellent longevity, making it a cost-effective investment for your business or personal projects.

Whether you're a contractor, engineer, or weekend warrior looking to ensure the highest level of precision in your construction projects, the Deslauriers PVD4NS Retaining Cup Perpendicular Verification Device is the ultimate solution. Say goodbye to manual measurements and hello to reliable, efficient, and accurate verification of perpendicularity.

In summary, the Retaining Cup Perpendicular Verification Device by Deslauriers is a must-have tool for anyone involved in construction projects requiring standard unbonded retaining cups. Its fast, easy, and accurate verification system, combined with the Gap Measurement Tool, ensures that your retaining cups are perfectly aligned, saving you time, effort, and ensuring top-notch quality. Invest in this user-friendly device today and elevate your construction projects to new heights of precision and excellence.
 Deslauriers PVD4NS Retaining Cup Perpendicular Verification Device

Deslauriers PVD4NS Retaining Cup Perpendicular Verification Device
