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Concrete Rake

The Concrete Rake category consists of a variety of tools designed specifically for concrete and asphalt work. These rakes are essential for ensuring a smooth and even finish, as well as for efficiently spreading and leveling materials. Whether you are a professional contractor or a DIY enthusiast, this category offers a wide selection of high-quality options to meet your specific needs.

One of the featured products in this category is the Bon Tool 12-223 Sharp Tooth Lute Rake. With its 24" width and 6' handle, it provides excellent coverage and can easily reach difficult areas. The sharp tooth design allows for efficient removal of debris and leveling of surfaces, making it a versatile tool for various concrete and asphalt applications.

For larger projects, the Bon Tool 12-226 Sharp Tooth Lute Rake with a 42" width is a great option. This rake offers even greater coverage and efficiency, allowing you to complete your work in less time. Its 6' handle ensures comfortable use and reduces fatigue, making it suitable for prolonged use.

Another notable product in this category is the Bon Tool 14-673 Heavy Duty Landscape Rake. This rake features a 36" width and a heavy-duty 72" aluminum handle, making it ideal for demanding concrete and asphalt jobs. Its sturdy construction ensures durability and reliability, even in challenging conditions.

If you are working with asphalt, the Bon Tool 19-138 Asphalt Rake is a must-have tool. Its specialized design and construction are specifically tailored for handling asphalt, ensuring proper spreading and leveling.

In addition to rakes, this category also includes concrete placers, such as the Bon Tool 22-212 All Aluminum Concrete Placer. This tool is equipped with a convenient hook and provides precise control and placement of concrete, helping you achieve a professional finish.

Whether you are working on a small project or a large-scale construction job, the Concrete Rake category offers a range of high-quality tools to meet your requirements. From sharp tooth lute rakes to heavy-duty landscape rakes and concrete placers, these products are designed to enhance efficiency and productivity, ensuring superior results every time. Choose from various sizes and handle lengths to find the perfect tool for your needs.