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Ballistics car

Price $69.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

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The United Scientific BLCAR1 Ballistics Car is a groundbreaking educational tool that allows students to explore the fundamental laws of physics in an engaging and hands-on manner. This product comprises a sturdy cart that rolls smoothly on any surface and features a spring-loaded barrel that can eject a steel ball at varying heights. The BLCAR1 comes ready-to-use and includes one ball, one release pin, and one cord.

Once the ball is released from the barrel, it falls back into the moving car, and students can observe how its forward motion mirrors that of the vehicle from which it was ejected. This experiment is a powerful demonstration of the laws of motion and can help illustrate key concepts such as velocity, acceleration, and object stability. The United Scientific BLCAR1 Ballistics Car is suitable for students of all ages, from grade school to university level.

The ballistics car is constructed with the highest quality materials, ensuring durability and longevity. The product is designed to withstand the rigors of student use and can be utilized as a teaching tool for years to come. The accompanying activity guide provides detailed instructions and suggestions for experiments, ensuring that educators can utilize the product effectively and efficiently.

It is important to note that the United Scientific BLCAR1 Ballistics Car contains chemicals that can cause cancer and reproductive harm. Consumers are advised to handle the product with care and to follow all warnings and instructions provided. The product is not intended for children under the age of 14.

Overall, the United Scientific BLCAR1 Ballistics Car is an excellent educational tool for anyone seeking to teach or learn about the laws of motion. Its versatility and durability make it a sound investment for educators and individuals alike.
 United Scientific BLCAR1 Ballistics car (1 each)

Ballistics car
