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A&D AD-4212B-23 Weigh Cell Module

Price $19,753.98
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1 unit

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The A&D Weighing AD-4212B-23 Weigh Cell Module is a high-performance weighing module that guarantees precise and accurate results every time. With its patented C-SHS weighing and EM-DLC analog to digital converter, this module is perfect for in-line production weighing, filling, checkweighing, or enclosed environments.

One of the key features of this module is its external calibration, ensuring reliable and consistent measurements. It is also dust and waterproof, making it suitable for tough weighing environments. The module is compliant with GLP/GMP/ISO standards, providing peace of mind in terms of quality control. Additionally, it comes with a data memory function and an auto on/off feature for convenience.

This high-performance weighing module offers the highest precision and accuracy thanks to its Compact Super Hybrid Sensor (C-SHS). With a wide range of capacity from 21g to 6000g, it can cater to various weighing needs. The module has a fast response speed ranging from 0.5 to 1.3 seconds, depending on the environment and model. It also has a high-speed data transmission rate of 50 times per second. For dual capacity range models, the Smart Weighing Range function ensures efficient weighing.

Built with a compact and durable design, this weigh cell module can withstand vertical and transverse overloads, vibration, and drafts. Its IP65 dust and waterproof construction enhances its durability in tough weighing environments. The stainless steel (SUS304) pan and housing add to its robustness. With a compact footprint, it can easily fit into tight confined spaces, making it ideal for in-line or enclosed environments.

This module offers flexible integration options with its standard bi-directional RS-232C, and LAN communication is available through the AD-8526 serial/Ethernet converter. It can be easily connected to a PC or PLC, and it is supported by WinCT software in laboratory settings. For seamless integration into a PC or PLC of choice, the upgrade to the AD-8923-CC allows for a CC-Link interface. Its easy mountable base and display, as well as its slim design, allow for multiple units to be easily aligned in mass production rows. It is also possible to fit the module with a custom weighing pan of your choice.

With a capacity of 21g and a readability of 0.001mg, this module offers precise and accurate measurements. Its linearity is within ±0.01mg, ensuring reliable results. The module's compact dimensions of 80 × 230 × 90mm make it a space-saving option. It also comes with a SS Breeze Break for added protection during weighing. It supports various weighing units such as grams, milligrams, ounces, and more.

In conclusion, the A&D Weighing AD-4212B-23 Weigh Cell Module is a reliable and high-performance weighing module that delivers precise and accurate results. Its compact and durable design, along with its flexible integration options, make it a versatile choice for various weighing applications.
 A&D Weighing AD-4212B-23 Weigh Cell Module

A&D AD-4212B-23 Weigh Cell Module
