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Wall Unit Lifter - 12 3/32" Pin Spacing

Price $83.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

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The Bon Tool 21-164 Wall Unit Lifter is an innovative solution for those looking for an easier way to lift and move wall units during construction or renovation projects. Featuring a sturdy construction and a 12 3/32" pin spacing, this wall unit lifter is designed to make the process of lifting and moving wall units hassle-free.

One of the unique features of the Bon Tool 21-164 Wall Unit Lifter is the hinged handle, which is designed to lock onto the wall unit when it is lifted. This feature ensures that the wall unit remains stable and secure during the lifting and moving process, making it easier to transport the unit from one location to another. The 12 3/32" pin spacing provides additional stability and ensures that the lifter can be used with a variety of different wall unit sizes and shapes.

The Bon Tool 21-164 Wall Unit Lifter is ideal for use by contractors, builders, and DIY enthusiasts who need to move wall units regularly. Whether you are transporting a wall unit from one area of the construction site to another or moving it between floors, this wall unit lifter makes the process simple and straightforward. Additionally, the sturdy construction of the lifter means that it can withstand the demands of regular use and will provide years of reliable service.

In addition to its practical benefits, the Bon Tool 21-164 Wall Unit Lifter also boasts a sleek, modern design that looks great in any workshop or construction site. Its compact size and lightweight construction make it easy to store when not in use, while the robust handles ensure a comfortable grip during use.

Overall, the Bon Tool 21-164 Wall Unit Lifter is a must-have tool for any construction professional or DIY enthusiast who needs to move wall units regularly. With its sturdy construction, hinged handle, and 12 3/32" pin spacing, this wall unit lifter is guaranteed to make your next construction or renovation project easier and more efficient.
 Bon Tool 21-164 Wall Unit Lifter - 12 3/32" Pin Spacing

Wall Unit Lifter - 12 3/32" Pin Spacing
