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Sper 300006C Salt Refractometer 0-28%, NIST Certificate of Calibration

Price $136.98
NIST Traceable Certificate of Calibration:
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

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Sper Scientific 300006C Salt Refractometer 0-28%, NIST Certificate of Calibration

Place a drop or two of a sample on the prism and read the results

Sper Scientific portable refractometers work in ambient light with no battery or other power source necessary. A refractometer measures the extent to which light is bent (refracted) through a liquid sample. They are commonly used to help identify or confirm the identity of a sample, assess the purity of a sample, or determine the concentration of a solute in a solution. They can be used in labs, on production lines, in the field or anywhere. Simply place a drop or two of a sample on the prism and read the results immediately. With reasonable care, their reliability, precision, and optical performance will last forever. Certificate of calibration is available for these refractometers.

All Sper Scientific refractometers come complete with:
• Rubber coated hand grip and construction, which insulate the test solution from inaccuracies caused by the user's body heat.
• Covered eye piece and bright, clearly defined scale, with large easy-to-read measurements.
• All the accessories for immediate use, including calibration tools and solutions, full instructions, transfer pipettes and protective cases.

Dimensions: 6½" × 1½" (165 × 38 mm)
Weight: 3.0 oz. (86 g)

Comes with a NIST certificate of calibration. The NIST certificate specifies that the standards against which the product has been certified or calibrated were themselves calibrated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (N.I.S.T.), or with N.I.S.T. calibrated equipment under conditions specified by N.I.S.T.


Product Manual

Instruction Manual

The Sper Scientific 300006C Salt Refractometer 0-28%, with a NIST Certificate of Calibration, is a portable and reliable tool for measuring the concentration of solutes in a solution. With this refractometer, you can accurately determine the purity of a sample or confirm its identity.

This refractometer is designed to work in ambient light, eliminating the need for batteries or other power sources. It measures the extent to which light is refracted through a liquid sample, providing you with immediate results. Simply place a drop or two of the sample on the prism and read the measurements on the bright and clearly defined scale.

The construction of this refractometer features a rubber-coated hand grip, which insulates the test solution from inaccuracies caused by body heat. The covered eye piece ensures accurate readings, while the large and easy-to-read scale makes it convenient to use. Additionally, it comes with all the necessary accessories for immediate use, including calibration tools and solutions, full instructions, transfer pipettes, and a protective case.

With reasonable care, the reliability, precision, and optical performance of this refractometer will last forever. It measures 6½" × 1½" (165 × 38 mm) and weighs only 3.0 oz. (86 g), making it portable and convenient to carry around.

Furthermore, this refractometer comes with a NIST certificate of calibration. This certificate specifies that the standards used to calibrate the product were themselves calibrated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (N.I.S.T.), ensuring accuracy and reliability.

Whether you work in a lab, on a production line, or in the field, the Sper Scientific 300006C Salt Refractometer 0-28% is the perfect tool for assessing the concentration of solutes in a solution. With its portability, reliability, and precision, you can trust this refractometer for all your measurement needs.
Sper Scientific Ltd Sper Scientific 300006C Salt Refractometer 0-28%, NIST Certificate of Calibration

Sper 300006C Salt Refractometer 0-28%, NIST Certificate of Calibration
