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Rubber Gel Knee Pads (Pair)

Price $61.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

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The Bon Tool 84-947 Rubber Gel Knee Pads are a must-have for anyone who spends long hours on their knees. Whether you're working on construction sites, in the garden, or as a tradesperson, these knee pads provide unbeatable protection and support for your knees.

The accordion design offers a comfortable fit that stays in place without slipping or sliding. The gel center provides exceptional cushioning, reducing the pressure on your knees and preventing pain and discomfort. Meanwhile, the soft outer shell ensures that these knee pads won't cause any scratches or marks on most surfaces, making them ideal for a wide range of applications.

These knee pads are sold in pairs, making them a great value for anyone who needs to protect their knees. And if you ever need to replace the straps, a replacement strap set (#50-736) is available separately.

Overall, the Bon Tool 84-947 Rubber Gel Knee Pads are a reliable and effective solution for anyone who needs to protect their knees from the rigors of daily work. So why wait? Order your pair today and experience the difference for yourself!
 Bon Tool 84-947 Rubber Gel Knee Pads (Pair)

Rubber Gel Knee Pads (Pair)
