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Rake retractor, 6.25"

Price $8.98
Minimum Purchase:
12 units

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The United Scientific RRET06 Rake Retractor, 6.25" (10/ea) is a must-have for any medical professional. Made of high-quality stainless steel, this sturdy and reliable tool is designed for surgical and medical procedures that require precision and attention to detail. The rake retractor is 7.5" (190mm) long with 3 prongs that can be adjusted to provide the maximum amount of comfort during use.

This rake retractor is ideal for procedures that require a clear and unobstructed view of the surgical field. The rake prongs are designed to hold back soft tissue and organs, giving surgeons and other medical professionals a clear view of the targeted area, enabling them to perform their surgery with ease and precision. The prongs are also adjustable, so medical professionals can use it for a range of surgical and medical procedures.

The United Scientific RRET06 Rake Retractor is a reliable tool that will last for a long time. The stainless steel construction ensures that the product will remain rust-free and is easy to clean, making it a valuable addition to any medical facility. With a comfortable grip, this tool allows for easy handling and use, even with extended periods of use. The rake retractor is also lightweight, making it easy to move and position as necessary.

In summary, the United Scientific RRET06 Rake Retractor is an excellent investment for medical professionals. The tool has a robust design and is made of high-quality materials. It is easy to use and adjustable, making it suitable for a variety of surgical and medical procedures. With this tool, medical professionals can operate with ease and precision, giving the patient the best possible medical care.
 United Scientific RRET06 Rake retractor, 6.25"

Rake retractor, 6.25"
