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Ohaus Weight, 200 g, ASTM 1, NVLAP Cert, 80850271

Price $308.98
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The Ohaus 80850271 Weight is an essential tool for accurate measurements in various laboratory and industrial settings. With a weight of 200 g, this ASTM 1-certified weight provides reliable and precise measurements to ensure the integrity and quality of your calculations.

Crafted with utmost precision, the Ohaus 80850271 Weight has undergone stringent calibration procedures to meet ASTM 1 standards. This means that you can trust in its accuracy and use it confidently for a wide range of applications, such as calibrating balances, scales, or other weighing instruments.

The NVLAP certification further demonstrates the exceptional quality and reliability of this weight. The National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) is recognized globally for its rigorous calibration and testing processes. With the NVLAP certification, you can rest assured that the Ohaus 80850271 Weight has been thoroughly tested and verified to meet strict international standards.

Featuring a compact and durable design, this weight is built to withstand frequent use and handling in demanding environments. Its solid construction ensures stability, allowing for accurate measurements without any compromise. The easy-to-handle shape allows for convenient placement and removal, facilitating efficient workflows and reducing the potential for errors.

Whether you work in a laboratory, research facility, or industrial setting, the Ohaus 80850271 Weight is a reliable and indispensable tool for any weighing application. Its versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of industries, including pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, quality control, and more.

Investing in the Ohaus 80850271 Weight means investing in accuracy, efficiency, and quality. With its ASTM 1 certification and NVLAP certification, this weight guarantees consistent and precise measurements that meet rigorous international standards. Trust in Ohaus, a reputed brand renowned for their sophisticated precision instruments, and experience the difference in your weighing processes.

Choose the Ohaus 80850271 Weight for unparalleled quality, reliability, and accuracy in your weighing applications.
 Ohaus 80850271 Weight, 200 g, ASTM 1, NVLAP Cert

Ohaus Weight, 200 g, ASTM 1, NVLAP Cert, 80850271
