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NASA Turf Stress Detection Over-Glasses

Price $95.98
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NASA Turf Stress Detection Glasses (Over-Glasses) (TSDG-Over-N)

With the new Turf Stress Detection Over Glasses you can have all the features of the high quality turf stress detection glasses (TSDG1) with the ability to be able to wear your prescription glasses underneath these over glasses.

NASA space technology has given you the ability to spot stressed turf close up or at a distance... with plenty of time to react to correct any unhealthy conditions.

  • Identify (and treat) diseases earlier
  • Discover broken or poor-performing sprinklers
  • Find weeds easily and save money by spot spraying
  • Affordable high-tech turf stress detection for golf courses, sports fields and large turf areas.

With these new Turf Stress Detection Glasses, you can spot problem areas on your grass before they become visually apparent. By spotting turf that is under stress early allows you to diagnose problems early by saving time and money. Basically the technology comes from NASA Scientists. The Turf Stress Detection Glasses were made to allow people in airplanes to fly over forests of the same variety of trees (Pine, Birch, Elm, Maple, etc...) and spot insect or disease pressure quickly. The Turf Stress Detection Glasses cut out all the green wave length light. When used on turf they do the same thing and show stressed turf as a yellow color.

The glasses will not only show drought stress, they will also show disease, different varieties of grass (contamination or mutation), insect pressure or infestation, shallow rooting or turf decline from any other environmental aspect. They also work on plants, trees, shrubs or any area that contains the same variety of plants in repetitive numbers.

With the Turf Stress Detection Glasses you can see turf stress 2-10 days before it’s visible to the naked eye.

 Turf-Tec TSDG-Over-N NASA Turf Stress Detection Over-Glasses

NASA Turf Stress Detection Over-Glasses
