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KOR-IT Bit Bandit 92819 for 2in to 8in diameter bits

Price $114.98
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1 unit

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KOR-IT Bit Bandit 92819 for 2in to 8in diameter bits

The Bit Bandit for Dust Removal:

  • Installs in seconds
  • Can be used WET or DRY
  • 1-1/4in vaccum port
  • Clear polycarbonate for visible coring
  • Heavy duty, flexible material to withstand rugged job sites.

The Bit Bandit 92819 is a patented shop vacuum attachment that contains and removes the dust, water, and slurry created during concrete drilling

. Designed specifically for use with 2in to 8in diameter bits, this innovative tool is a must-have for any construction or renovation project.

One of the key features of the Bit Bandit is its ease of installation. In just a matter of seconds, you can attach this device to your shop vacuum and start drilling without worrying about the mess. Whether you are using it in wet or dry conditions, the Bit Bandit will effectively capture and remove all the dust and debris, leaving your work area cleaner and safer.

The 1-1/4in vacuum port ensures that the Bit Bandit is compatible with most standard vacuum hoses, allowing for easy and seamless integration into your existing setup. Additionally, the clear polycarbonate construction of this accessory offers the advantage of visible coring. This means that you will be able to see exactly where you are drilling, eliminating any guesswork and ensuring precise and accurate results.

Durable and tough, the Bit Bandit is made from heavy-duty, flexible material that is specifically designed to withstand the demanding conditions of job sites. Whether you are working on a construction site or tackling a home improvement project, you can rely on the Bit Bandit to provide long-lasting performance and durability.

Not only does the Bit Bandit make your work environment cleaner and reduce the risk of accidents caused by debris, but it also helps in keeping your shop vacuum in top condition. By capturing all the dust and slurry during drilling, this accessory prevents clogging and damage to the internal components of your vacuum, prolonging its lifespan and saving you money on costly repairs or replacements.

In conclusion, the Bit Bandit 92819 is a versatile and efficient tool for dust removal during concrete drilling. Its quick and easy installation, compatibility with various vacuum hoses, visible coring capability, and durability make it an essential accessory for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike. Invest in the Bit Bandit today and experience cleaner and safer drilling operations.
 KOR-IT Bit Bandit 92819 for 2in to 8in diameter bits

KOR-IT Bit Bandit 92819 for 2in to 8in diameter bits
