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"Grabber" Gel Knee Pads

Price $57.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

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The Bon Tool 84-946, "Grabber" Gel Knee Pads are every hardworking professional's dream come true. These knee pads are specifically designed to offer protection, comfort, and durability all in one. They come equipped with a wide elastic strap, which has been reinforced with high-quality Velcro to ensure a snug fit on your knees.

One of the most outstanding features of the Bon Tool 84-946 Knee Pads is the fact that they are gel-filled, which means that they conform to your knee's shape, making them extremely comfortable. You can go about your work duty or project without having to worry about the discomfort associated with extended knee pressure.

With a hard outer shell, these knee pads are built to last. The heavy tread on the hard shell cap ensures that you get maximum protection from damage on uneven surfaces. If you are a professional in a demanding field, you know just how crucial it is to have reliable gear that can stand up to the tough work conditions. The Bon Tool 84-946 Knee Pads are made with that in mind.

These knee pads will not just offer you superior protection, they will also help you to get the job done quickly and efficiently. They are perfect for tasks that require you to kneel for a prolonged period, such as floor installations, roofing, tiling, and concrete pouring, among others. The Bon Tool 84-946 Knee Pads will make your job easier, safer, and more enjoyable.

Furthermore, the knee pads are sold in pairs giving you the best value for your money. They are a great investment and a perfect addition to your work gear. Buy the Bon Tool 84-946, "Grabber" Gel Knee Pads for the ultimate in knee protection.
 Bon Tool 84-946, "Grabber" Gel Knee Pads

"Grabber" Gel Knee Pads
