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Block Tines - Pair

Price $99.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

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The Bon Tool 11-599 Block Tines are an essential tool for any masonry project. These block tines are sold in pairs and built to last, providing a durable and long-lasting replacement for your current set of tines. The design of these tines delivers a reliable grip and sturdy support when handling various blocks.

Made from high-quality materials, these block tines are built to withstand the rigors of tough masonry work. This pair of tines has been crafted to offer the perfect fit for your blocklaying work, with a comfortable grip and durable prongs that will hold up under pressure.

These block tines are an excellent investment for contractors, home builders, and DIY enthusiasts who want to ensure their tools are of the highest quality. The precision and strength of these tines ensure that you can tackle any job with confidence and efficiency. Whether you're building walls, foundations, or walkways, these block tines will help you get the job done with precision and ease.

Each pair of block tines is easy to use and comes with clear instructions to ensure you get the most out of this product. With their innovative design and robust construction, the Bon Tool 11-599 Block Tines are an excellent choice for builders looking for reliable, heavy-duty tools that can stand the test of time.

Overall, these block tines are a must-have addition to any mason's toolbox. They provide a comfortable grip, sturdy support, and the precision you need to get your job done right the first time. Add these tines to your collection, and you'll see why Bon Tool is a trusted name in the construction industry for quality and durability.
 Bon Tool 11-599 Block Tines - Pair

Block Tines - Pair
