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Aneroid barometer

Price $66.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

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The United Scientific ANBR01 Aneroid barometer is a reliable instrument that measures atmospheric pressure with accuracy. Mounted on a sturdy plastic base, this barometer is easy to hang anywhere that you please, and it comes with an instruction sheet to guide your use of the device. With an overall diameter of 7.5 inches, this product is the perfect size to provide a clear and concise reading of the air pressure in any given area.

The ANBR01 Aneroid barometer is a must-have tool for any person who needs to measure the air pressure in their environment. Whether you're a meteorologist, a pilot, or simply someone who is interested in understanding the science behind weather patterns, this barometer is the perfect item for you.

This product is made from high-quality materials and built to last. You can be confident that your barometer will provide accurate readings for many years to come. Thanks to its compact size and lightweight design, the ANBR01 Aneroid barometer is easy to transport so you can take it with you on the go.

It's important to note that this product comes with a warning label alerting you to potential cancer and reproductive harm, as required by California law. You should take this warning into consideration before making a purchase.

In summary, the United Scientific ANBR01 Aneroid barometer is a reliable and accurate tool that provides clear readings of atmospheric pressure in any location. With its compact size, lightweight design, and high-quality materials, this barometer is a must-have for anyone interested in understanding the science behind weather patterns or needing to measure air pressure in their environment.
 United Scientific ANBR01 Aneroid barometer (1 each)

Aneroid barometer
