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Shadow Line Cutter

Price $14.98
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6 units

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The BON TOOL 15-400 Shadow Line Cutter is the perfect tool for those who are looking to create a rabbet in ceiling tile. This high-quality cutter includes one blade (#15-399), which is designed to provide precision and a clean cut every time. Whether you're a professional builder or a DIY enthusiast, this tool is an essential addition to your collection.

The BON TOOL 15-400 Shadow Line Cutter is designed with a sturdy metal frame that ensures durability and long-lasting use. It is also incredibly lightweight, making it easy to carry around and use for extended periods of time without experiencing any strain or discomfort. The cutter also comes with an ergonomic handle that provides a comfortable grip, making it easier to handle, even during longer projects.

One of the standout features of the BON TOOL 15-400 Shadow Line Cutter is its precision. The cutter is designed to provide clean and accurate cuts every time, ensuring that your rabbet conforms to your exact specifications. Additionally, the cutter has an adjustable depth guide, making it easy to set up the perfect depth for your project.

The BON TOOL 15-400 Shadow Line Cutter is incredibly versatile and can be used for a variety of projects. Whether you're creating a rabbet in ceiling tile or are working on other construction or DIY projects, this tool is sure to come in handy. It is also incredibly easy to use and requires no complicated instructions or training.

In summary, the BON TOOL 15-400 Shadow Line Cutter is a high-quality, durable, and precise tool that is ideal for creating a rabbet in ceiling tile. With its ergonomic handle, adjustable depth guide, and clean, accurate cuts, this tool is an essential addition to any DIY enthusiast or professional builder's collection. Try it out today and experience the difference it can make for your projects!

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 Bon Tool 15-400 Shadow Line Cutter

Shadow Line Cutter
