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Schmidt Hammers

The Schmidt Concrete Test Hammer, also known as the rebound hammer, is a non-destructive testing device used to determine the compressive strength of concrete. Proceq, a Swiss-based manufacturer of high-quality testing equipment, is one of the leading producers of Schmidt Concrete Test Hammers.

The Schmidt hammer works by striking the surface of the concrete with a plunger, and then measuring the rebound force of the plunger to determine the concrete's compressive strength. The test is fast, simple, and non-destructive, making it a popular choice for quality control and assessment of concrete structures.

Proceq's Schmidt Concrete Test Hammers are widely used in the construction industry to assess the strength and durability of concrete in various applications, including building foundations, bridges, roads, and tunnels. They are also used in laboratory testing to determine the quality and consistency of concrete mixes.

Proceq's Schmidt Concrete Test Hammers come in various models, each with different features and capabilities. Some models can be connected to a computer for data logging and analysis, while others have built-in memory and Bluetooth connectivity for wireless data transfer. Proceq's test hammers are also designed for durability, with robust construction and high-quality materials to withstand heavy use in construction environments.

Proceq's Schmidt Concrete Test Hammers are widely recognized for their accuracy, reliability, and ease of use. They are trusted by construction professionals worldwide to provide accurate and reliable data on the compressive strength of concrete, helping to ensure the safety and durability of concrete structures.

The Schmidt Concrete Test Hammer by Proceq is an essential tool in the construction industry, providing a fast, simple, and non-destructive way to assess the compressive strength of concrete. Proceq's test hammers are renowned for their accuracy, reliability, and durability, making them the preferred choice of professionals worldwide.

Schmidt hammers are popular tools for determining several concrete characteristics without having to destroy any part of the structure. With the Schmidt concrete test, technicians can assess the quality, uniformity and strength of a single concrete structure, or compare the results of several structures. Certified Material Testing Products carries several concrete test hammer models and supplies to ensure that you always obtain accurate results. Along with our Schmidt hammers, you can find calibration anvils, concrete grinding stones and carrying cases for a complete Schmidt concrete test kit. Browse all of our Schmidt hammers and the rest of our concrete testing equipment today.
