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Hanna HI70060M pH 6.00 Calibration Solution (230 mL)

Price $48.98
Minimum Purchase:
2 units

Estimated ship in 4-7 business days
* Estimate is for US customers only.
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The Hanna Instruments HI70060M pH 6.00 Calibration Solution (230 mL) is an essential tool for anyone working with pH meters or electrodes. This premium quality calibration solution has been specially formulated to provide accuracy and consistency in your readings. Unlike many other calibration solutions, the HI70060M pH 6.00 Calibration Solution comes with a lot number and expiration date clearly marked on the label. This ensures that you always know the age and condition of your solution, and can be confident that it will provide accurate readings each time you use it.

One of the key features of the HI70060M pH 6.00 Calibration Solution is its tamper-proof seal. This ensures that the solution remains air tight until you are ready to use it, preventing any contamination or degradation of the solution. The solution is also color coded for easy pH buffer value identification, saving you time and effort when calibrating your pH meter or electrode.

With an accuracy of +/- 0.01 pH @ 25°C, you can be sure that the HI70060M pH 6.00 Calibration Solution will provide the precision you require. The temperature chart of the actual pH value at various temperatures printed on each bottle will make it even easier to calibrate your pH meter or electrode accurately.

In addition, the HI70060M pH 6.00 Calibration Solution has an expiration of 5 years from the date of manufacture for an unopened bottle, ensuring that you always have a fresh, reliable solution on hand. Whether you are testing the pH of water, soil, food or other substances, the Hanna Instruments HI70060M pH 6.00 Calibration Solution is an essential item for any laboratory or testing facility.

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 Hanna Instruments HI70060M pH 6.00 Calibration Solution (230 mL)

Hanna HI70060M pH 6.00 Calibration Solution (230 mL)
