Seedburo Autoset MK7 Probe
The Auto-Set MK-7 Point Level Monitor is a self-contained unit for high-intermediate-or low-level detection of liquids or free-flowing granular solids. The Auto-Set is suitable for top or side entry in container vessels. Where top entry is required, longer rigid or flexible probes are available. Solid, state-of-the-art electronics with simple push-button calibration, power shield build-up compensator and "New" data protection switch. Customer attachable SS probes from 3" to 33' in length. CE approved.
- SMP: Standard Mounting Plate
- EX48: 48in Normal Stainless Steel Probe (M/F Threads)
- EX36: 36in Normal Stainless Steel Probe (Standard)
- EX24: 24in Normal Stainless Steel Probe (Standard)
- EX12: 12in Normal Stainless Steel Probe (Standard)
- EX03: 3in Normal Mini Stainless Steel Probe
- ATS7VOFC: Autoset RF Capacitance, 110/240 VAC & 24 VDC Class 2 Div 1 II Div 1 W/O SMP & Probe
- ATS7V0FC-FP: Autoset RF Capacitance, 110/240 VAC & 24 VDC Class 2 Div 1 Complete W/ Probe And Mounting Plate