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Swivel clamp holder

Price $20.98
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4 units

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The United Scientific CLMS01 Swivel clamp holder is an essential piece of equipment for any laboratory. Made of high-quality plated steel, this double clamp holder is an incredibly durable and sturdy piece of equipment that is designed to last. It can easily accept rods up to ¾" diameter (19 mm), making it versatile and adaptable to a variety of laboratory equipment.

One of the most exciting features of the United Scientific CLMS01 Swivel clamp holder is its ability to rotate an entire 360 degrees along its axis and lock it into any position. This allows the user to have complete control and precision when positioning and holding their lab equipment in place. Furthermore, the length across the clamps is 4.5", making it capable of holding a wide range of lab equipment.

Whether you're a professional scientist or someone who loves to tinker in your home lab, the United Scientific CLMS01 Swivel clamp holder is an essential addition to your equipment arsenal. It is the perfect tool for holding and positioning all sorts of lab equipment, from beakers and test tubes to thermometers and distillation columns. The sturdy design ensures that you can use it for years to come, and the swivel feature will make it easier than ever to get your experiments just right.

In conclusion, the United Scientific CLMS01 Swivel clamp holder is an essential tool for any laboratory. Its durable design, easy-to-use feature, and versatile capabilities make it the perfect tool for holding and positioning all kinds of lab equipment. Add this incredible clamp holder to your lab equipment today and experience the difference it makes for yourself.
 United Scientific CLMS01 Swivel clamp holder

Swivel clamp holder
