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SECO 2072-33 Adjustable Tilt Monument Mounts for Male 5/8 x 11 TPI

Price $358.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

Estimated ship in 1-2 weeks
* Estimate is for US customers only.
* Shipping and Import Duties are calculated at checkout.
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SECO 2072-33 Adjustable Tilt Monument Mounts for Male 5/8 x 11 TPI provides a reliable and efficient solution for securely mounting monuments with ease.

With a diameter of 3.20 inches (8.19 cm) and an overall height of 3.036 inches (7.71 cm), this monument mount adapter offers a durable construction that ensures long-lasting performance.

Featuring a removable brass 5/8 x 11 male stud, this mount is adjustable in azimuth and held in place by two set screws, providing a secure and flexible structure for precise positioning.

To ensure accurate leveling, the adapters are equipped with three screws that allow for a tilt range of +/- 7 degrees. This adjustable tilt feature enables users to achieve the desired angle for optimal monument installation.

With a height of 1.37 inches (3.50 cm) above the pivot point to the stud shoulder, this mount offers sufficient clearance for seamless mounting. Furthermore, the height below the brass 5/8 stud to the shoulder measures 0.463 inches (1.18 cm), enhancing stability and ensuring a secure fit.

To enhance usability and convenience, the axis height of this monument mount is conveniently engraved on the outside of the monuments, allowing for quick and easy identification.

Weighing just 6.32 lb (2.87 kg), this mount is lightweight yet sturdy, making it easy to handle and transport without compromising on stability or durability.

The SECO 2072-33 Adjustable Tilt Monument Mounts for Male 5/8 x 11 TPI combines reliability, flexibility, and convenience to provide a comprehensive solution for all monument mounting needs. Whether used in the construction industry or for surveying applications, this mount delivers outstanding performance, ensuring precise and secure monument installation.
 SECO 2072-33 Adjustable Tilt Monument Mounts for Male 5/8 x 11 TPI

SECO 2072-33 Adjustable Tilt Monument Mounts for Male 5/8 x 11 TPI
