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Portable Hyd Drum Dumper 0.75K 72 In W/ Ss Chute

Price $9,400.98
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1 unit

Estimated ship in 4-6 weeks | This ships Freight
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The Portable Hyd Drum Dumper 0.75K 72 In W/ Ss Chute is the perfect solution for efficiently and safely emptying drums in a variety of industrial settings. This innovative drum dumper is designed to streamline the process of transferring liquids and solids from drums to other containers or machinery.

With a weight capacity of 0.75K and a width of 72 inches, this drum dumper is ideal for handling medium to heavy loads with ease. The hydraulic system allows for smooth and controlled dumping of drums, reducing the risk of spills and accidents. The stainless steel chute ensures durability and reliability, making it suitable for use in food processing, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries.

The portability of this drum dumper allows for flexibility in its placement within the workspace. Whether you need to move it from one location to another or simply adjust its position for optimal workflow, this drum dumper can be easily maneuvered with minimal effort.

Safety is paramount when it comes to handling hazardous materials or heavy loads, which is why this drum dumper is equipped with safety features such as a lockable control box and emergency stop button. These features ensure that operators can safely operate the drum dumper without compromising their well-being.

Overall, the Portable Hyd Drum Dumper 0.75K 72 In W/ Ss Chute is a versatile and reliable solution for efficiently transferring materials from drums. Its portability, durability, and safety features make it a valuable addition to any industrial setting where drum handling is a regular part of operations.
Vestil Portable Hyd Drum Dumper 0.75K 72 In W/ Ss Chute

Portable Hyd Drum Dumper 0.75K 72 In W/ Ss Chute
