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Margin Trowel Pointed 5" X 1 1/2" Wood Handle

Price $41.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

Estimated ship in 4-7 business days
* Estimate is for US customers only.
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The Bon Tool 11-997 Margin Trowel Pointed 5" X 1 1/2" Wood Handle is a high-quality tool designed to meet the needs of professionals in the construction and plastering industries. This margin trowel boasts a carbon steel blade that is both durable and reliable for any stucco or plastering detail work.

The 5-inch blade is perfect for accessing tight spaces and getting into corners where larger trowels cannot reach. The pointed shape of the blade also allows for precision and accuracy in the application of plaster and stucco. Whether you are working on a large-scale construction project or a smaller DIY project, this margin trowel is the perfect tool for the job.

The trowel features a sturdy and comfortable wooden handle that provides a strong grip, reducing the risk of accidents or slips. The handle is designed to be ergonomically friendly and reduces the strain on your wrist, making it easy to use for extended periods.

At Bon Tool, we understand the importance of quality tools. Our products are crafted to meet the demands of the professional and ensure years of reliable service. The Bon Tool 11-997 Margin Trowel is no exception, it is built with our customer in mind and guarantees to deliver consistent performance over many years of use.

In conclusion, the Bon Tool 11-997 Margin Trowel Pointed 5" X 1 1/2" Wood Handle is the perfect tool for the construction and plastering professional looking to achieve precision and accuracy in their work. Get one today and experience the difference a quality tool can make.
 Bon Tool 11-997 Margin Trowel Pointed 5" X 1 1/2" Wood Handle

Margin Trowel Pointed 5" X 1 1/2" Wood Handle
