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Low Profile Hopper Ld .50 Cubic Yard-Orange

Price $1,243.98
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The Low Profile Hopper LD .50 Cubic Yard in bright orange is the perfect solution for a wide range of material handling applications. Whether you need to transport bulk materials such as gravel, sand, or debris, this durable hopper is up to the task.

Made of high-quality polyethylene, this hopper is built to withstand heavy loads and tough working conditions. The low profile design makes it easy to load and unload materials, while also providing stability and balance during transport. The orange color enhances visibility, ensuring safety in busy worksites or warehouses.

With a capacity of .50 cubic yards, this hopper is compact yet efficient, allowing you to transport a significant amount of materials with ease. The smooth interior surface makes cleaning and maintenance a breeze, saving you time and effort.

Equipped with durable casters, this hopper can be easily maneuvered around your workspace, providing convenience and flexibility. The sturdy construction and reliable performance make this hopper a valuable addition to any materials handling operation.

Whether you're working in construction, landscaping, or industrial settings, the Low Profile Hopper LD .50 Cubic Yard in orange is a versatile and reliable tool that will help you get the job done efficiently. Upgrade your materials handling equipment with this high-quality hopper and experience the difference it can make in your workflow.
Vestil Low Profile Hopper Ld .50 Cubic Yard-Orange

Low Profile Hopper Ld .50 Cubic Yard-Orange
