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Fruit Picker, Heavy Gauge Vinyl Coated Wire, Secure Clamp, 8' - 2 Piece Wood Handle

Price $65.98
Minimum Purchase:
2 units

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The Seymour 42280 Fruit Picker is a must-have tool for anyone who loves fresh fruit straight from the source. With its heavy gauge vinyl coated wire and secure clamp, this fruit picker ensures a safe and efficient picking experience.

Featuring an 8-foot two-piece wood handle, this fruit picker is designed with comfort and convenience in mind. Its long reach allows you to easily access high branches and pick fruits without the need for a ladder. The two-piece wood handle adds stability and durability, ensuring that the fruit picker will withstand the test of time.

The heavy gauge vinyl coated wire is specially designed to prevent damage to fruit while picking. It is strong enough to handle even the heaviest of fruits, yet gentle enough to prevent bruising or scratching. The vinyl coating also adds a layer of protection against rust and corrosion, further enhancing the longevity of the fruit picker.

The secure clamp system ensures that the fruit picker stays firmly attached to the handle, providing stability and control. This feature eliminates the risk of the fruit picker slipping or falling during use, guaranteeing a safe and reliable picking experience.

Whether you are picking apples, pears, or any other type of fruit, the Seymour 42280 Fruit Picker is the ideal tool for the job. Its sturdy construction and thoughtful design make it perfect for both casual fruit pickers and professional orchard workers alike.

Invest in the Seymour 42280 Fruit Picker today and enjoy the convenience of effortlessly picking fresh, delicious fruit from the comfort of your own home. Say goodbye to precarious balancing acts on ladders and hello to a safer, more efficient fruit picking experience.
 Seymour 42280, Fruit Picker, Heavy Gauge Vinyl Coated Wire, Secure Clamp, 8' - 2 Piece Wood Handle

Fruit Picker, Heavy Gauge Vinyl Coated Wire, Secure Clamp, 8' - 2 Piece Wood Handle
