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CMI HAR33 Program Chest Harness

Price $85.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

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The CMI HAR33 Program Chest Harness is a high-quality and versatile harness designed to be used as a program harness. With its bright red tie-in point in the front and all buckles positioned at the back, this harness ensures that all adjustments are kept away from sensitive areas for maximum comfort and safety.

Every detail of the CMI HAR33 has been carefully engineered to provide a reliable and secure fit. The double pass buckles not only ensure that the harness stays securely in place but also make it convenient to adjust the harness to your desired tightness. This means that once you have adjusted the harness, you can trust that it will stay in place throughout your activities.

Please note that the CMI HAR33 Program Chest Harness is not meant to be used without a seat harness. It is specifically designed to complement a seat harness to ensure optimal performance. When combined with a seat harness, this chest harness provides the ultimate combination of comfort, security, and freedom of movement.

The CMI HAR33 Program Chest Harness is available in one size that fits most individuals. Whether you are a professional climber, an outdoor enthusiast, or someone who loves adventure, this harness will fit you comfortably and securely, allowing you to focus on your activities without any distractions.

Weighing only 0.75 lbs (approximately 340 grams), the CMI HAR33 is lightweight and easy to carry, making it the perfect choice for those who are constantly on the move. With its durable construction and attention to detail, this harness is built to last, ensuring that you can depend on it for all your program activities.

Choose the CMI HAR33 Program Chest Harness for a reliable, comfortable, and secure fit during your program activities. Take your performance to the next level with this top-of-the-line harness that combines functionality, durability, and comfort in one package.
 CMI HAR33 Program Chest Harness

CMI HAR33 Program Chest Harness
