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Yellow Square Column Wrap 20 In

Price $436.98
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The Vestil VCW-YL-20-SQ Yellow Square Column Wrap is a must-have addition for any establishment that features pillars, be they square or round. This incredibly innovative product is designed to fasten to columns quickly and seamlessly, thanks to its unique locking device. With this product, you can say goodbye to the hassle and expense of having to paint your columns again and again. Made of high-quality, durable polyethylene thermoplastic, this column wrap is built to last, ensuring long-lasting column visibility and low maintenance costs.

This product is a highly effective solution that allows users to not only achieve a sleek, modern appearance, but also provides a cost-effective and long-lasting solution to the problem of column maintenance. Additionally, the square design of the wrap adds a unique flair to any space, contributing to its aesthetic appeal and setting it apart from more conventional column covers.

The Vestil VCW-YL-20-SQ Yellow Square Column Wrap measures 20 inches in length, making it a perfect fit for a wide range of column sizes. Installation is quick and easy, and can be completed with a single set of hands in a matter of minutes. Once installed, you can rest easy knowing that your columns are protected from the elements, and that their visibility will remain crystal-clear for years to come.

Overall, the Vestil VCW-YL-20-SQ Yellow Square Column Wrap is a game-changer in the world of column covers. Its innovative design, high-quality materials and long-lasting durability make it a must-have addition for any establishment with square or round columns. So why wait? Get yours today and experience the difference for yourself!
 Vestil VCW-YL-20-SQ Yellow Square Column Wrap 20"L

Yellow Square Column Wrap 20 In
