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Pintle Hook For Fork Truck Base

Price $151.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

Estimated ship in 4-7 business days
* Estimate is for US customers only.
* Shipping and Import Duties are calculated at checkout.
See Product Information
The Vestil PINTLE Pintle Hook for Fork Truck Base is a bolt-on accessory designed for use with your fork truck base. This optional pintle hook makes it easy to attach an array of trailers to your fork truck base, adding versatility and convenience to your material handling operations.

Constructed from high-quality materials, this pintle hook is engineered to provide reliable and long-lasting performance even in demanding industrial settings. The bolt-on design ensures easy installation, allowing you to quickly and easily add this accessory to your fork truck base without the need for advanced technical skills or specialized tools.

Designed with safety in mind, the Vestil PINTLE Pintle Hook for Fork Truck Base includes a range of features to help ensure secure attachment and reliable operation. The hook is designed to securely attach to a variety of trailers and trailers, with a strong and durable construction that can withstand the demands of frequent use in industrial settings.

Whether you're using your fork truck base for unloading shipments at a warehouse or transporting heavy materials across a factory floor, the Vestil PINTLE Pintle Hook for Fork Truck Base is the ultimate accessory to help you get the job done right. With its easy installation, reliable operation, and the exceptional performance you expect from Vestil, this pintle hook is a must-have for anyone looking to enhance the versatility and convenience of their fork truck base.
 Vestil PINTLE Pintle Hook for Fork Truck Base

Pintle Hook For Fork Truck Base
