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Low Profile Rack Guard 3 X 10 X 24

Price $66.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

Estimated ship in 4-7 business days
* Estimate is for US customers only.
* Shipping and Import Duties are calculated at checkout.
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The Vestil NPG6-24 24"H 6"Channel Low Pro Rack Guard is the ideal solution to protect your warehouse, distribution center or manufacturing facility against damage from fork trucks, pallet trucks and carts. Designed and manufactured by Vestil, a trusted name in material handling equipment, this rack guard is built to last and provides maximum protection for your valuable assets.

Made from laser cut steel, the Vestil NPG6-24 24"H 6"Channel Low Pro Rack Guard is low profile, which means it takes up very little space while providing maximum protection. This guard is specifically designed to protect pallet racking and wall corners, which are often the most vulnerable areas in any facility. The 6" channel allows for ample space to protect the racking and corners, while also allowing for easy access for pallet trucks and fork trucks.

Designed for quick and easy installation, the Vestil NPG6-24 24"H 6"Channel Low Pro Rack Guard requires only two holes for mounting, which means less down time for your facility and less money spent on installation costs. One of the standout features of this rack guard is the fact that it installs in half the time of other guards on the market. This is a huge benefit for facilities that need to move quickly and efficiently.

The Vestil NPG6-24 24"H 6"Channel Low Pro Rack Guard is sold without a mounting kit, so be sure to purchase the kit separately. This rack guard is ideal for any facility that wants to protect its pallet racking and wall corners against damage from forklifts, pallet trucks and other equipment. Buy with confidence knowing that Vestil has been providing quality material handling equipment for decades.
 Vestil NPG6-24 24"H 6"Channel Low Pro Rack Guard

Low Profile Rack Guard 3 X 10 X 24
