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Low Profile Rack Guard 3 X 8 X 18

Price $51.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

Estimated ship in 4-7 business days
* Estimate is for US customers only.
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The Vestil NPG4-18 18"H 4"Channel Low Pro Rack Guard is an essential product for the protection of your warehouse or distribution center. Made out of sturdy materials and designed to last, this rack guard is the perfect solution to protect your pallet racking and wall corners from any potential damages caused by fork trucks, pallet trucks, and carts.

What’s unique about this product is its low profile design, which ensures that your warehouse or distribution center’s floor space is not compromised by a bulky or obtrusive rack guard. Its laser cut design ensures that it has a clean and professional look, making it suitable for any type of industrial or commercial environment.

Installing the Vestil NPG4-18 18"H 4"Channel Low Pro Rack Guard couldn’t be any easier and can be done in half the time compared to other guards. You only require two holes to mount the guard securely on a wall or corner, and with its mounting kit, it becomes even simpler and quicker.

The Vestil NPG4-18 18"H 4"Channel Low Pro Rack Guard is ideal for any warehouse or distribution center, where safety is of utmost importance. The guard ensures that your inventory is protected from any potential damages caused by vehicles. Additionally, its sturdy construction ensures that it can withstand any accidental impacts flawlessly.

Investing in the Vestil NPG4-18 18"H 4"Channel Low Pro Rack Guard is a long-term solution that will pay dividends by preventing costly damages to your warehouse or distribution center. It’s an essential product that will not only protect your inventory but also your workers and machinery, ensuring that your operations run seamlessly. Don’t wait any longer; get your hands on the Vestil NPG4-18 18"H 4"Channel Low Pro Rack Guard today!
 Vestil NPG4-18 18"H 4"Channel Low Pro Rack Guard

Low Profile Rack Guard 3 X 8 X 18
