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Low Headroom Chain Hoist Trolley Gear 4K

Price $753.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

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The VESTIL LOW-4G GEAR CHAIN HOIST OPTION TROLLEY 4K is the perfect addition to your lifting equipment. It is designed to provide you with additional raised hook height, allowing you to handle heavy loads with ease. With a chain hoist hook travel of up to 10 feet, you can comfortably lift and move loads without straining your back.

This chain hoist option trolley features a low headroom design, making it ideal for tight spaces where headroom is limited. You won't have to worry about hitting the ceiling or any obstacles that may impede your lifting activities. This is particularly useful when you're lifting and moving loads in factories, warehouses, and other industrial settings.

The VESTIL LOW-4G GEAR CHAIN HOIST OPTION TROLLEY 4K is designed to fit on wide flange or S-type I-beams. This versatility makes it easy for you to use it with most I-beams, regardless of their shape or size. The trolley is easy to install, and you won't need any special tools or equipment to set it up.

The trolley is made from high-quality materials that are rugged and durable. It can handle loads of up to 4,000 pounds, making it suitable for heavy-duty lifting applications. This chain hoist trolley is an excellent investment if you want to improve your lifting capabilities in a cost-effective manner.

In summary, the VESTIL LOW-4G GEAR CHAIN HOIST OPTION TROLLEY 4K is an excellent addition to any lifting system. Its low headroom design, ease of installation, and high load capacity make it a versatile and reliable option for lifting and moving loads in tight spaces. Get your hands on this product today and take your lifting capability to the next level.
 Vestil LOW-4G Gear Chain Hoist Option Trolly 4k

Low Headroom Chain Hoist Trolley Gear 4K
