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Hopper W/O Bump & Dump Hd 4 Cu Yd 6K S Red

Price $4,203.98
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Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

Estimated ship in 2-4 weeks | This ships Freight
* Estimate is for US customers only.
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Detailed Description

The Vestil D-400-HD-NB-SR No Bump HD Hopper is a reliable and efficient solution for all your loading and unloading needs. Constructed from heavy-duty steel, this hopper is built to last and can endure the strains of consistent daily use. The hopper's robust construction ensures maximum strength, durability, and longevity, making it a perfect choice for industrial settings.

One of the most notable features of this hopper is its manual release mechanism, which gives the forklift driver the ability to control the dumping process from the safety and comfort of the driving position. This removes the need for personnel to be present during the dumping process, minimizing any risk of injury or accidents.

The hopper also features a smooth surface that allows for easy loading and unloading of items, while the contoured edges ensure that the items flow freely out of the hopper for a complete clearing of goods. The hopper's spacious 4 cubic yard capacity enables you to move large volumes of materials quickly and effectively, making it ideal for a wide range of applications.

This Vestil hopper is finished in a striking red color and is designed with a 'No Bump' feature, which ensures that the hopper can be safely and easily transported even in rough terrain or uneven surfaces. This feature helps to prevent any damage to products while they are being transported, ensuring that the products are delivered to their destination in perfect condition.

In summary, the Vestil D-400-HD-NB-SR No Bump HD Hopper is a smart investment that provides long-lasting durability, ease of use, and ensures maximum safety. Its user-friendly features and robust construction make it an ideal choice for a wide range of applications in the industrial and commercial sectors.
 Vestil D-400-HD-NB-SR No Bump HD Hopper 4CbYd Red

Hopper W/O Bump & Dump Hd 4 Cu Yd 6K S Red
