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Hopper W/O Bump & Dump Hd 3 Cu Yd 6K S Red

Price $3,401.98
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Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

Estimated ship in 2-4 weeks | This ships Freight
* Estimate is for US customers only.
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Product Description

The Vestil D-300-HD-NB-SR No Bump HD Hopper 3CbYd Red is a heavy-duty industrial hopper designed to handle large amounts of goods with ease and efficiency. The hopper is made of durable steel and is engineered to withstand the wear and tear of consistent daily use. It is the perfect solution for loading and unloading bulk items, including construction debris, scrap metal, and raw materials.

One of the primary features of this hopper is the manual release option. It allows forklift drivers to remain seated and in control of the dumping process, ensuring greater safety for personnel. The hopper's smooth surface and contoured edges help items flow freely out of the chute, ensuring a complete and efficient clearing of the loaded goods.

The Vestil D-300-HD-NB-SR No Bump HD Hopper 3CbYd Red is designed with versatility in mind. It can be used in a wide range of industrial settings, including construction sites, manufacturing plants, and shipping warehouses. The hopper's bright red color makes it highly visible and easy to spot, even in low-light conditions.

With a generous capacity of 3 cubic yards, this hopper is capable of handling even the largest loads. It is also designed for easy maneuverability, with forklift pockets built into the base. The hopper is lightweight but rugged, meaning it can be moved quickly and efficiently from one location to another.

In conclusion, the Vestil D-300-HD-NB-SR No Bump HD Hopper 3CbYd Red is a versatile, reliable, and indispensable tool for any industrial operation. Its durable construction, manual release feature, and smooth chute make it easy to use and highly efficient. If you need a hopper that can handle the toughest jobs, look no further than the Vestil D-300-HD-NB-SR No Bump HD Hopper.
 Vestil D-300-HD-NB-SR No Bump HD Hopper 3CbYd Red

Hopper W/O Bump & Dump Hd 3 Cu Yd 6K S Red
