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Hopper W/O Bump & Dump Hd 1 Cu Yd 6K S Red

Price $2,149.98
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Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

Estimated ship in 2-4 weeks | This ships Freight
* Estimate is for US customers only.
* Shipping and Import Duties are calculated at checkout.
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Product Description

The Vestil D-100-HD-NB-SR No Bump HD Hopper 1 CbYd Soda Red is the ideal solution for handling large loads of items efficiently. Constructed from heavy-duty steel, this hopper is designed to withstand the rough and tough conditions of daily use. The durable steel construction ensures that this hopper will last for years to come with minimal maintenance.

The hopper is equipped with a manual release feature that allows the forklift driver to easily tip the contents out of the hopper without having to leave the driving position. This added feature not only saves time but considerably reduces the risk of injury as personnel can stay at a safe distance throughout the dumping process.

In addition to its structural strength, the Vestil D-100-HD-NB-SR No Bump HD Hopper 1 CbYd Soda Red has smooth surfaces and contoured edges that allow for items to flow out easily, providing a complete clearing of loaded goods. This feature helps to keep the hopper clean and reduce the need for additional cleaning, improving the overall efficiency of work.

The hopper has a large 1 cubic yard capacity that enables it to hold a substantial amount of cargo- making it perfect for large-scale loading and unloading operations. The bright red soda color provides visibility to personnel, particularly in dimly lit environments. It is easy to spot and makes sure workers can locate the hopper, whether it is day or night.

In conclusion, if your business requires a robust and durable hopper system that maximizes efficiency while providing safety and convenience, then the Vestil D-100-HD-NB-SR No Bump HD Hopper 1 CbYd Soda Red is the perfect solution for you. So why wait? Invest in this effective hopper system and propel your business to the next level.
 Vestil D-100-HD-NB-SR No Bump HD Hopper 1 CbYd Soda Red

Hopper W/O Bump & Dump Hd 1 Cu Yd 6K S Red
