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Trowel Holster - Leather

Price $22.98
Minimum Purchase:
3 units

Estimated ship in 4-7 business days
* Estimate is for US customers only.
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Introducing the Bon Tool 84-429 Trowel Holster, crafted from top-grain leather and designed to provide a convenient solution for carrying your trowel on the job site. This holster is suitable for use with margin trowels, caulking trowels, and others, accommodating a variety of sizes of up to a 3-1/2" trowel.

Constructed with durability in mind, this trowel holster is made from high-quality leather that can withstand the wear and tear of daily use, ensuring it lasts for years to come. The sturdy design allows for safe and secure storage, preventing any accidental falls and reducing the risk of damage to your tools.

This trowel holster is both practical and comfortable for prolonged use, featuring a comfortable belt loop that allows for easy attachment and detachment to your belt. This feature ensures that your tools remain within reach and reduces the amount of time taken to search for misplaced trowels, increasing efficiency and productivity on the job site.

Not only is the Bon Tool 84-429 Trowel Holster practical and convenient, but it's also a stylish addition to any work gear. The sleek design is sure to catch the eye of other workers and supervisors, reflecting your professionalism and commitment to quality work.

In conclusion, the Bon Tool 84-429 Trowel Holster is an essential tool for any professional who demands reliability, durability, and style. It's a valuable investment that pays off for years to come, ensuring you have your trowel within reach while reducing the risk of misplaced tools. Order yours today and experience the convenience of having your tools organized and accessible.

Learn about the full line of drywall tools by visiting Caulking Guns, Corner and Corner Bead ToolsDrywall Mixing ToolsDrywall SandersDrywall Saws and KnivesDrywall StiltsDrywall Tape and Wall PatchHammers and HatchetsMaterial Handling and WorkstandsMud PansSprayers and Spray GunsTaping, Joint and Putty Knives, and Wall and Floor Scrapers.

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 Bon Tool 84-429 Trowel Holster - Leather

Trowel Holster - Leather
