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Traditional Floor Squeegee - 36" Straight

Price $51.98
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1 unit

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for maximum control | 36" straight blade for efficient floor cleaning.

The Bon Tool 34-142 Traditional Floor Squeegee is an essential tool for anyone who wants to keep their floors pristine and spotless. This squeegee has a single 1/4" thick black non marking rubber blade that is designed to efficiently remove all excess water, dirt and debris from your floors without leaving any scratches or marks.

The pre-galvanized frame comes with a built-in scraper, which makes cleaning any stubborn stains or dirt effortlessly easy. This squeegee is designed for maximum control with its tapered handles that provide a comfortable grip and ease of use, even for extended use.

Measuring 36" straight, this effective squeegee is perfect for cleaning large surface areas, making it ideal for industrial applications, commercial cleaning, and even for everyday household cleaning. The straight blade ensures efficient cleaning, making your cleaning tasks a lot easier, and less time-consuming.

Designed with quality in mind, the Bon Tool 34-142 Squeegee is built to last. There's no substitute for a well-made product that can stand up to even the toughest cleaning jobs. The black non-marking rubber blade ensures that your floors will be free from scratches and unwanted marks, making the Bon Tool Squeegee a must-have for anyone looking to keep their floors looking as new as possible.

With the Bon Tool 34-142 Traditional Floor Squeegee, you don't have to worry about your floors looking dull or dirty. This highly effective and efficient floor squeegee will ensure that your floors are always clean, without much effort on your part. Investing in this essential floor-cleaning tool will save you time, money and effort in the long run- a value added to your cleaning needs.
 Bon Tool 34-142 Traditional Floor Squeegee - 36" Straight

Traditional Floor Squeegee - 36" Straight
