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Rheometers are essential instruments used in the field of rheology to study the flow and deformation of materials. This category includes a wide range of rheometers such as Bending Beam Rheometers, Dynamic Shear Rheometers, Cone/Plate Rheometers, and more.

The ATS Bending Beam Rheometer is a popular choice, offering precise control and accuracy in testing the low-temperature properties of asphalt binder. The Computer-Operated Controller simplifies the testing process by automating data collection and analysis. Aluminum Bending Beam Rheometer Beam Molds come in a set of 5, providing consistent and reliable results in material testing.

For Dynamic Shear Rheometers, there are various accessories available such as the Reference Thermal Detector Probe and Viscosity Standard Fluid, ensuring the highest level of performance in rheological measurements. The Gilson HM-90 and HM-91 Anton Paar Dynamic Shear Rheometers SmartPave models offer advanced features for testing asphalt mixtures.

Mylar Strips for Bending Beam Rheometer Beam Molds are essential for maintaining the integrity of the molds during testing. A&D RV-10000 and RV-10000A Rheometers are precision instruments for measuring viscosity and flow characteristics of fluids. Brookfield DVNext Cone/Plate Rheometers come with different torque options and coupling types for versatile testing applications.

Overall, this category offers a comprehensive selection of rheometers and accessories for researchers and professionals in industries such as construction, pharmaceuticals, food, and cosmetics. Whether you need to analyze the rheological properties of fluids, gels, or semi-solids, these instruments provide accurate and reliable results for your material testing needs.