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NEDO Batter Board Holder for Laser or Theodolite

Price $136.98
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NEDO 461051 Batter Board Holder for Laser or Theodolite


  • Extremely robust construction
  • Removable aluminum mounting plate with .625-inch x 11-inch thread
  • Nail hole to accurately position theodolites over a reference point
  • 4 locking screws for perfectly secure grip
  • Attachable to boards with thicknesses of up to 3 inches / 85 mm

The Nedo Batter Board Clamp is the perfect combination of superb versatility and total stability. This clever piece of equipment enables users to shift rotating lasers from horizontal to a perfect vertical mode. With four powerful clamping screws, it can be attached solidly to boards of up to 3 inches thick. A removable mounting plate with a .625-inch thread holds devices securely in place.

The batter board clamp’s robust construction is also quite impressive. It is made from a very durable aluminum material that can stand some very tough beating. The clamp is also fabricated with a fine-edge form that gives it a clean and sharp profile. Its solid assembly allows it to continue working at optimum condition even when frequently used.

When it comes to surveying equipment, no one understands the importance of adaptability the way Nedo does. That is why the Nedo Batter Board Clamp is carefully designed for this exact purpose. This humble mechanical device is truly more than your average clamp. Simple as it may seem, the batter board is undoubtedly supplemental to every surveyor’s set of equipment.

 NEDO 461051 Batter Board Holder for Laser or Theodolite

NEDO Batter Board Holder for Laser or Theodolite
