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Low Profile Hopper Ld .75 Cubic Yard-Blue

Price $1,439.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

Estimated ship in 4-7 business days | This ships Freight
* Estimate is for US customers only.
* Shipping and Import Duties are calculated at checkout.
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The Low Profile Hopper Ld .75 Cubic Yard-Blue is the perfect solution for all your material handling needs. This durable and reliable hopper is designed to handle a wide range of materials including sand, gravel, soil, and more. With a capacity of .75 cubic yards, this hopper is ideal for small to medium-sized projects.

Constructed from heavy-duty polyethylene, the Low Profile Hopper Ld .75 Cubic Yard-Blue is built to withstand the toughest conditions. The low profile design makes it easy to load and unload materials, while the bright blue color ensures visibility on the job site. Whether you are working in construction, landscaping, agriculture, or any other industry, this hopper is sure to meet your needs.

The easy-to-use lever release mechanism allows for effortless dumping, saving you time and effort. The sturdy wheels and handle make it easy to transport the hopper to different locations, allowing you to get the job done quickly and efficiently. The compact size of this hopper makes it perfect for use in tight spaces or on smaller job sites.

Say goodbye to the hassle of handling materials manually and make your job easier with the Low Profile Hopper Ld .75 Cubic Yard-Blue. This versatile and convenient hopper is a must-have for any professional who wants to increase productivity and efficiency on the job site. Order yours today and see the difference it can make in your work day.
Vestil Low Profile Hopper Ld .75 Cubic Yard-Blue

Low Profile Hopper Ld .75 Cubic Yard-Blue
