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Low Profile Hopper Ld .25 Cubic Yard-Blue

Price $1,119.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

Estimated ship in 4-7 business days | This ships Freight
* Estimate is for US customers only.
* Shipping and Import Duties are calculated at checkout.
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The Low Profile Hopper Ld .25 Cubic Yard-Blue is a versatile and efficient solution for transporting and dumping materials on job sites. This innovative hopper features a low profile design that makes it easy to load and unload materials, while also providing optimal stability during transport.

Constructed from durable polyethylene, this hopper is built to withstand rough handling and tough conditions. The blue color adds a touch of visibility, making it easy to spot on busy job sites. Its .25 cubic yard capacity makes it ideal for small to medium-sized loads, and its lightweight design allows for easy maneuverability.

Whether you're transporting gravel, sand, mulch, or other materials, this hopper is up to the task. The included tow bar makes it easy to attach to a vehicle for hassle-free transportation, and the low-profile design means you can easily load materials with a shovel or other equipment.

This hopper is perfect for use in construction, landscaping, agriculture, or any other industry where materials need to be transported and dumped with ease. Its compact size and durable construction make it a reliable and efficient choice for your job site needs.

Overall, the Low Profile Hopper Ld .25 Cubic Yard-Blue is a must-have tool for anyone in need of a durable and versatile hopper for transporting materials on the job site. Its low profile design, durable construction, and easy maneuverability make it a top choice for any industry.
Vestil Low Profile Hopper Ld .25 Cubic Yard-Blue

Low Profile Hopper Ld .25 Cubic Yard-Blue
