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Low Profile Hopper Ld 1 Cubic Yard-Green

Price $1,649.98
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The Low Profile Hopper LD 1 Cubic Yard in Green is a versatile and efficient solution for material handling in various settings. This compact hopper is ideal for use in warehouses, workshops, construction sites, and industrial facilities.

Constructed from durable and high-quality materials, this hopper is designed to withstand heavy-duty use and has a weight capacity of up to 2,000 pounds. The low-profile design allows for easy loading and unloading of materials, while the green color adds a pop of vibrancy to any workspace.

With a 1 cubic yard capacity, this hopper is the perfect size for transporting a variety of materials, from debris and waste to tools and equipment. The low profile design also makes it easy to maneuver in tight spaces and navigate through narrow aisles.

Equipped with a reinforced base and sturdy wheels, this hopper is designed for stability and easy mobility. The ergonomic handle allows for effortless pushing and pulling, reducing strain on the user and increasing productivity.

Whether you need to transport materials across a warehouse floor or clear debris from a construction site, the Low Profile Hopper LD 1 Cubic Yard in Green is the perfect tool for the job. Durable, reliable, and efficient, this hopper is a must-have for any workspace where material handling is a priority.
Vestil Low Profile Hopper Ld 1 Cubic Yard-Green

Low Profile Hopper Ld 1 Cubic Yard-Green
