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Low Profile Hopper Hd 1 Cubic Yard-Yellow

Price $1,972.98
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The Low Profile Hopper HD 1 Cubic Yard in Yellow is a versatile and durable solution for your material handling needs. This hopper is designed to easily transport and dump a variety of materials, making it a valuable tool for construction sites, warehouses, and industrial facilities.

Constructed from heavy-duty polyethylene, this hopper is built to withstand the rigors of daily use. The low profile design makes it easy to load and unload materials, while the bright yellow color ensures increased visibility and safety on the job site.

With a capacity of 1 cubic yard, this hopper is perfect for transporting bulk materials such as sand, gravel, and debris. The sloped front and smooth interior make for easy material discharge, reducing the time and effort required to complete tasks.

Equipped with built-in fork pockets, this hopper can be easily moved with a forklift or pallet jack, allowing for efficient transportation around the work site. The optional caster kit also provides added mobility for increased versatility.

Whether you're looking to streamline material handling processes or maximize efficiency on the job site, the Low Profile Hopper HD 1 Cubic Yard in Yellow is the perfect tool for the job. Durable, efficient, and easy to use, this hopper is a must-have for any workplace that deals with bulk materials on a regular basis. Trust in this reliable product to help you get the job done quickly and efficiently.
Vestil Low Profile Hopper Hd 1 Cubic Yard-Yellow

Low Profile Hopper Hd 1 Cubic Yard-Yellow
