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Diamond DM85H HD Orange Segmented Masonry Blade, 20in x 0.125 x 1in, For Asphalt/Concrete

Price $775.98
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1 unit

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Diamond DM85H HD Orange Segmented Masonry Blade, 20in x 0.125 x 1in, For Asphalt/Concrete

  • Diamond Depth: .295” (7mm)
  • Segment Height: .395” (10mm)
  • Recommended For Asphalt/Concrete
  • 1" Arbor
  • 20" Blade 0.125" thick
  • DM85 - General Purpose, combo brick/block (if using for both asphalt & concrete)

A Diamond Product Heavy Duty Masonry Blade is an ideal choice for anyone who needs a high-quality blade for cutting through tough materials such as concrete, brick, and stone. These blades are designed with durable diamond segments that provide exceptional cutting power and long-lasting performance.

One of the main advantages of a Diamond Product Heavy Duty Masonry Blade is its ability to cut through hard materials quickly and efficiently. This blade can handle tough cutting jobs with ease, making it an excellent choice for both professional contractors and DIY enthusiasts.

In addition, these blades are designed with high-quality materials and advanced manufacturing techniques to ensure superior performance and durability. They are built to last, even under heavy use and extreme conditions, which means you can rely on them for many cutting jobs in the future.

Another advantage of a Diamond Product Heavy Duty Masonry Blade is its versatility. This blade can be used on a variety of cutting machines, including angle grinders, circular saws, and tile saws. This means you can use the same blade for different cutting applications, saving you time and money.

Overall, if you need a reliable and high-performing blade for cutting through tough materials, a Diamond Product Heavy Duty Masonry Blade is an excellent choice. Its durability, cutting power, and versatility make it a valuable tool for any construction or renovation project.

Diamond Products Diamond DM85H HD Orange Segmented Masonry Blade, 20in x 0.125 x 1in, For Asphalt/Concrete

Diamond DM85H HD Orange Segmented Masonry Blade, 20in x 0.125 x 1in, For Asphalt/Concrete
